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The new man-made fibres are more hardwearing than natural fibres and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful.

The new machine reduced labour costs to almost nil. 这台新机器把劳工成本几乎降到零。
The new magnetism will take hold in full causing all form to become far less dense as it is fully anchored in roughly a decades time. 新磁力将完全取代,当它在未来约10年中被完全锚定后,将给所有形体带来更少致密。
The new mall in town features a gaint mosaic over the main entrance way. 在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。
The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way. 在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。
The new man-made fibers are more hardwearing than natural fibers and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful. 新的人造纤维比天然纤维耐磨,因此能大大减少修补工作,而且做好的衣服价廉物美,数量也多。
The new man-made fibres are more hardwearing than natural fibres and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful. 新的人造纤维比天然纤维耐磨,因此能大大减少修补工作,而且做好的衣服价廉物美,数量也多。
The new management is assuring its patron of its best effort and hospitality. 新的管理组织将保证为顾客提供最优质的服务。
The new manager blundered away most of the firm's profits. 新经理由于失策使公司损失了大部分利润。
The new manager has a lot of international experience to bring to the table. 新任的经理可以提供许多国际性的经验。
The new manager has breathed fresh life into (ie revitalized) the company. 新经理给公司带来了朝气.
The new manager is a complete dud. 新经理完全是个废物.

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