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Being loyal and self-confident, being highly courageous, seeking for the route for fundamentally changing the present status, and adopting all necessary actions to capture the opportunities in future, promote the intrinsic value of the enterprise and cont

Being jittery about the interview can result in cold, clammy hands, which create a negative impre ion. 情绪紧张地来参加面试会使你伸出的手冰冷潮湿,会给雇主留下负面印象。
Being just an expedient to facilitate Chinese-English translation, the principle is not supposed to contradict the present Chinese studies. 作为只是利于汉英翻译转换的权宜之计,该原则并不与现行汉语语言研究的本体范畴相抵触。
Being lazy,the boy failed exam. 由于懒惰,这男孩考试不及格。
Being light of heart, I walked light to and fro in the room brightly lighted by fluorescent light. 我心情非常轻松;在那被荧光灯照得耀眼的房间里,我轻快地来回走动着。
Being low-cost, small and portable, it can satisfy the needs of different patients. 与现有同类设备相比,该治疗仪具有成本低、体积小、携带方便等特点,可满足不同患者治疗需要。
Being loyal and self-confident, being highly courageous, seeking for the route for fundamentally changing the present status, and adopting all necessary actions to capture the opportunities in future, promote the intrinsic value of the enterprise and cont 忠诚自信,富有勇气,追求彻底改变现状的路径,采取一切必要行动,捕捉未来机遇,提高企业内在价值,控制自身命运。
Being man-oriented and marching ahead verily, in the whole operational course of production and management, our company sticks to the tenet of “Quality First, Credit First and Sincere Cooperation”. 本公司一如既往,始终坚持以质量求生存,以现代化科学管理求发展的经营原则,秉承以人为本,务实进取,在整个生产经营运作中,坚持质量第一,信誉第一和真诚合作的宗旨。
Being married and therefore protected by one's husband. 已婚的已经结婚因而受到其丈夫保护的
Being master of English mostly because of a great of touch this language. 掌握好英语很大程度上要归因于大量接触该语言.
Being mindful means that you are aware of what you are thinking without becoming caught up in your thoughts. 领悟的意思是你知道你心里所想但不为杂念缠绕。
Being more careful, you can make fewer mistakes. 如果你更细心,你会犯更少的错误。

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