Qiye Rongzi yu Xinyong Nengli [Creditability,Collateral and Business Finance], Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006. |
中文意思: 梁鸿飞著,《企业融资与信用能力》。北京:清华大学出版社,2006年。 |
Qiu Bao Li, Ren Shun Xiang, Mandour N.S. and Lin Li. Effect of temperature on the development and reproduction of Bemisia tabaci B biotype (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Entomologia Sinica, 2003,10(1):43-49.
邱宝利,任顺祥,吴建辉,林莉.寄生蜂和杀虫剂对烟粉虱的控制作用研究.华南农业大学学报2004,25(1)37~39. |
Qiuge cyanide-marketing; Paper, clothing retail.
裘革皮加工销售;纸张、服装零售。 |
Qiv, Quick Image Viewer, is a small image viewer for several formats, including JPG and GIF.
顾名思义就是能够让你快速地浏览你的图片的工具,支持多种图象格式! |
Qixia boasts a sound industrial foundation with kinds of excellent products. The industry products range from timbering, textile, machinery, electronics, gold, chemical industry to food and so on.
栖霞工业发达。全市工业基础雄厚,名优产品繁多。目前已形成以建材、轻纺、机械、电子、黄金、化工、食品为骨干的门类齐全的工业体系。 |
Qixia is abundant in resources.
栖霞资源丰富。 |
Qiye Rongzi yu Xinyong Nengli [Creditability,Collateral and Business Finance], Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006.
梁鸿飞著,《企业融资与信用能力》。北京:清华大学出版社,2006年。 |
Qiyuan is a maintenance factory which belong to our company, there are about 80 peoples. It's a separate department for P&G Project.
启源公司原属广州机床厂有限公司的一个工装及维修分厂,有76人,主要负责对外数控改造,专机制造及精密零件加工业务。 |
Ql: Will the correct action be made sufficiently evident to the user?
各项目功能显而易见,都是使用者经常使用到的。 |
Qo you have a balanced lifestyle?
174问:你的生活方式健康吗? |
Qo you prefer continuity in structure or frequent change in your daily work?
81问:日常工作中,你喜欢固定的工作模式还是多变的工作模式? |
Qo-ka fe pa ki ad urba? Why did she go to town?
何-为她(过去)去往城她为什么去了城里? |