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United initially had to be patient to get their man.

United have options up front to cover Saha's absence, with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Alan Smith ready to partner Wayne Rooney in attack. 前锋线上,索尔斯克亚及阿兰.史密斯都可以顶替萨哈成为鲁尼的新搭档。
United have reportedly demanded Buffon in any bid made by Juve for star winger Cristiano Ronaldo, but the World Cup winner says: I'd like to know who dreams up this stuff! 据传闻曼联已经要求尤文在收购边锋小小罗的任何出价中都要加上布丰,但世界杯冠军说:我想要知道这个无厘头究竟是谁想出的!
United have three games as part of the 2007 Asia Tour, with five further matches back in Britain, which includes the friendly at Old Trafford against Internazionale and the Community Shield clash with Chelsea at Wembley, a rematch of the FA Cup final ther 曼联亚洲之行要踢三场比赛,回国后还有五场,其中包括在老特拉福德与国际米兰的友谊赛以及在温布利同切尔西的社区盾杯决赛。
United have until Friday to appeal against disciplinary action after Rooney was reported for violent conduct and Scholes for serious foul play. 在本周五之前,曼联可以对报告中针对鲁尼的暴力行为和斯科尔斯的严重犯规进行的纪律处罚提出申诉。
United hold the record for the most FA cup victories and Charity shield wins. 曼联还保有赢得最多足总杯和慈善盾的纪录。
United initially had to be patient to get their man. 曼联最初并不急于得到他。
United legend Paddy Crerand hopes that United keep hold of Italian striker Giuseppe Rossi, despite interest from a host of other clubs. 红魔传奇球员帕迪·施兰特希望曼联能够留下罗西,不管其他俱乐部对他是多么的感兴趣。
United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has described his eligibility to play as exciting. 曼联经理弗格森爵士认为董能够上场是“令人激动的”。
United midfielder Chris Eagles will spend the next four months overseas after signing for NEC Nijmegen on loan. 曼联中场球员伊格斯已经租借到NEC奈梅亨,为期四个月。
United on the other hand have got a hell of a lot to lose because the welter of humiliation and ridicule that will be heaped upon them should they lose will be incredible. 红魔有许多球员身经百战,并且非常受欢迎.但是你不可以轻视维甘,他们是本赛季的黑马并且毫无压力.
United play the final match of their tour to Asia against Guangzhou Pharmaceutical today, with Owen Hargreaves, their signing from Bayern Munich, again missing because of the knee problem that has forced him to sit out all four matches. 今天曼联将与广州医药进行他们亚洲之行的最后一战.欧文.哈格里夫斯因膝伤将错过这次比赛,这也是他错过的第四场季前赛.

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