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Abstract: According to the probability fracture mechanics,distribution characters of some parameters related presure vessel and allowance failure probability are discussed in the paper,and then the probability calculation method of pressure vessel is anal

Abstract: According to the field investigations and theorectical analysis,this paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages among the main assessment methods for mine ventilation system,points out several problems of 《Appraisal target for ventilation s 文摘:分析了几种常见的矿井通风系统评价方法在使用中的利弊,指出了《冶金矿山矿井通风系统鉴定指标》中某些指标的缺陷,提出了修改意见,并根据国内冶金矿山的实际情况,制定出了相应的评价标准与方法。
Abstract: According to the fragment warhead of the missile,we propose dynamic characteristic of fragment dispersion in different reference frames,calculate dynamic distributing density function in earth reference frame and missile reference frame,and poin 文摘:以某型防空导弹的破片杀伤式战斗部为例,分析了在不同坐标系中的破片动态飞散特性,分别计算出在地面坐标系和弹体坐标系中破片的动态飞散密度函数,指出在不同的坐标系中战斗部的飞散区和飞散密度不同。
Abstract: According to the general development trendency of the foundry technology and the recent research progreses of coating, developing trend of the sand mould coating is discussed in respects of the types, properties and quality control of the coatin 文摘:根据铸造技术总的发展趋势及涂料的最新研究进展,从未来涂料的品种、性能、涂敷方式及品质控制等几个方面论述了砂型铸造涂料的发展趋势。
Abstract: According to the medical insurance system and practice about workers with flexible job in Chang Zhou, starting with the participant policy of workers with flexible job, the paper puts forward the extrusive problems and main difficulties in the p 摘要:本文以常州市灵活就业人员医疗保险制度与实施方法为实践依据,从灵活就业人员参保政策入手,提出了灵活就业人员参保工作中的突出问题和主要难点,并提出了下一步完善这项制度的对策和建议。
Abstract: According to the openness of process planning knowledge base,this paper proposes a hierarchy knowledge base model based on open structure. 文摘:根据工艺设计知识库的开放性要求,提出了一个基于开放式结构的层次化知识库模型。
Abstract: According to the probability fracture mechanics,distribution characters of some parameters related presure vessel and allowance failure probability are discussed in the paper,and then the probability calculation method of pressure vessel is anal 文摘:应用概率断裂力学的观点,讨论了压力容器各有关参数的分布特点及允许的失效概率,分析了材料韧性为两种不同分布时压力容器可靠性计算方法,说明了进行压力容器失效概率分析是全面评价压力容器的方法之一。
Abstract: According to the process of the landfill leachate-recirculation,the design method for sizing the storage pond of leachate was proposed by analyzing the production of collected leachate. 文摘:根据垃圾填埋场渗滤液回灌处理的特点,提出了调蓄水池容量的计算方法。
Abstract: According to the results of internal temperature change measurement during temperature cycling for the electronic device of missile, the influence of the temperature alteration ratio on screening degree and cycling times is discussed, and the fu 摘要:根据弹用电子设备在温度循环时内部温度变化的测定结果,论述了温度变化率对筛选度和循环次数的影响,从而阐明了在温度循环过程中提高温度变化率的作用。
Abstract: According to the similar nature of gravitational field and electrostatic field, using analogy method, the stress tensor in gravitational field is obtained from Maxwells stress tensor in electrostatic field, and the universal gravitation inside t 文摘:根据引力场和静电场的相似性质,通过类比方法由静电场的麦克斯韦应力张量得出了引力场中的应力张量,并用它计算了均质球体内部的万有引力.
Abstract: According to the similitude definition between data, this paper proposes an efficient multi-dimension fuzzy clusteringalgorithm by dimension reducing and sorting. 文摘:本文根据数据间相似程度的定义,利用排序缩小范围,提出一种多维数据聚类的算法。
Abstract: According to the situation of worsening ecological environment and serious environmental pollution, this paper analyses the root causes for the environmental pollution and puts forward the effective ways of promoting the environmental progress, 文摘:针对山西省生态环境日益恶化,环境污染十分严重的现状,分析了造成环境污染的根本原因,提出了促进环境进步的有效途径即进行清洁生产和利用可再生资源。

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