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All mobile equipment shall have a reversing beeper fitted, and must be in good working order at all times.

All merchandise, welcome wholesale and make to order. 所有的商品,欢迎批发和定做。
All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Computer Technology Forum or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message. 所有内容均表示作者的观点,计算机技术论坛的拥有者和杰软有限企业都不会为任何帖子的内容负责!
All messuring records and load test reports to be handed over to chief officer in three copies. 全部测量记录及负荷试验报告一式三份交大副。
All metric unit systems are based, at least in part, on the International Metric Standards. 所有米制单位都是以国际米制标准为基础的,至少部分是如此。
All mitigation measures arising from the approved method statement shall be fully implemented. 所有在该核证方法说明内的缓解措施,必须全部实施。
All mobile equipment shall have a reversing beeper fitted, and must be in good working order at all times. 在操作移动设备,和驾驶移动设备在施工现场移动时,必须戴上安全带。
All mobile equipment when first arriving at the site must be inspected by the Construction Manager or his nominee and carry current state certification if required. 所有移动设备首次抵达现场时,必须由现场施工经理或其指定人进行检查。并且,在需要的时候,应携带所需检查设备的现行申明证书。
All mobile phones may be subject to radio interference which may affect their performance. 所有手机都可能因受无线电波的干扰而影响通话质量。
All models are equipped with key locks and micro-switch to cut out fan operation and light up the lamp when the door is opened. 全部雪柜型号配销,打开门时,雪柜亮橙,另有微型开关停止蒸发器风扇转动,减少冷量往外流失。
All modern expeditions begin with a Puja ceremony in which Sherpas and other team members leave offerings and pay homage to the gods of the mountain. 所有的探险队都要在登山之前举行一个礼拜仪式,夏尔巴人和其他探险队成员要向山上诸神供奉祭品、表达虔诚。
All modern web browsers are using this (Unicode) character internally. Most documents transmitted over the Internet do not use the Unicode character set. 所有时髦的网络浏览器都在内部使用这个(统一的字符编码标准)的字符。大多数发送到互联网的文档并不使用统一的字符编码标准的字符集。

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