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You daren't jump down, you sissy!
你不敢往下跳, 你不是男子汉!

You crushed my dreams with your cruel remark. 你残忍的话粉碎了我的梦想。
You cultivate in the field with blooming like brocade in the moonlihgt. Our childhood record your ebullient poem. Our future is brewing in your bosom. 您披一身星光,耕耘去繁花似锦的田野。我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。
You cut off gravel trucks and those blue Varica trucks. 你会挡在砂石车和蓝色威利小货卡前面。
You damned cockroach!Remember you're almost pinched to death and now you try to control my movement? 陶子:“你这头该死的蟑螂,别忘了差点被我捏死,还控制我的运动?!”
You dare attack my war factory?All forces,remove this pest! 你竟敢攻击我的工厂?所有部队,赶走这个害虫!
You daren't jump down, you sissy! 你不敢往下跳, 你不是男子汉!
You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully. 你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面.
You debase yourself by telling such lies. 你说这些谎话就降低了身份。
You decide the time,Pls. 你来定时间。
You dedicate your efforts, but you do not feel a sense of achievement. 您事事尽心尽力,却没有成功的喜悦?
You definitely won't get a sunburn because this suntan lotion is SPF (sun protection factor) 30. 你绝对不会被晒伤的,因为这个防晒油的防晒系数是三十。

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