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C1:Of course, sir. We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can change them for you.

C1: But it says in your brochure, young man. 但是你们的宣传册里有啊,年轻人。
C1: We are proud that Beijing will host the Olympic Games in 2008. 我们为北京能举办2008年奥运会而自豪。
C1: Without doubt one of the world's greatest tourist attractions is the Great Wall. 毫无疑问,长城是世界上最具吸引力的旅游胜地之一。
C1:Here is the checking account ledger. Each page shows a record of a customer's deposits and withdrawals. 这是支票帐户的分类帐,每页上有客户存提款的记录。
C1:I notice an overdraft here in March. 我发现在3月份这儿有一笔透支款。
C1:Of course, sir. We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can change them for you. 可以,先生。我们是经批准的外汇银行,能够为您兑换货币。
C1:This one is a joint account, isn't it? And pretty active. 这是一个共有的帐户,是吗?存取款相当频繁。
C1:This one is a joint account, isnt it? And pretty active. 这是一个共有的帐户,是吗?存阮相当频繁。
C1:We don't deal in coins, sir. 我们不买卖硬币,先生。
C1:Well, please sign your name and local address on this exchange request. I'll get your DM for you while you're filling this out. 请把您的姓名,本地住址写在兑换申请单上,还要写上您的护照号码。在您填写时,我给您准备马克。
C1:What's this debit? 这个借方项目是什么?

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