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Even in Serie B Juve remains a great team. We are top of the table and therefore I do not know what more I could do.

Even an old book? I want to know what's in the book, says Abe . 甚至是一本旧书?我想要知道书里有什么,艾贝说。
Even an old book? I want to know what's in the book, says Abe. 甚至是一本旧书?我想要知道书里有什么,艾贝说。
Even if it's blind?I asked. “哪怕他是瞎子?”我又问。
Even if the other man lives a thousand years twice and does not enjoy good things do not all go to one place? 传6:6那人虽然活千年、再活千年、却不享福、众人岂不都归一个地方去麽。
Even if youre in the front line, you dont deserve to sacrifice yourself. 「即使你身在前线,也不应该牺牲自己。」
Even in Serie B Juve remains a great team. We are top of the table and therefore I do not know what more I could do. 当然,我希望参加2008年的欧锦赛,但如果我是因为留在尤文踢乙级联赛而不能参赛,下赛季我依然会选择继续,特雷泽盖说.我认为我应受到更多的尊重,正如我的队友和尤文该受到的尊重.
Even in games where we get behind, guys think we're still in the game and we've got chances to win it,Phillips said. That's the most important thing. “即使是比赛时我们暂居落后,我们相信我们始终有机会能赢得比赛”灯泡先生说“那是最重要的,你感觉到无论如何只要和这样的球队及打线,都是有机会的。”
Even in tasks where they do well, women seem to shy away from competition, whereas men seem to enjoy it too much. 即使对于非常胜任的工作,女性也不太喜欢参与竞争,但是男性却过分享受竞争的感觉.
Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. 珥2:29在那些日子、我要将我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女。
Even that is too much to expect,insisted the manager, I will be satisfied if you simply tell me when the program is complete. “即使两个星期恐怕也太夸张了,什么时候你只要告诉我说程序已经完成就好了。”
Even the dogs will not eat him,said Ko, and he allowed Tungse's body to be buried. “连狗都不吃他。”柯增强说。于是他准许人家把东子的尸体埋葬了。

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