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It was a stressful week, wasn't it?

It was a stick from a tree was deep inside Baby's leg and mother's teeth couldn't pull it out. 那是一枝从树上掉落的树枝深深插入小鹿的腿边,鹿妈妈的牙齿无法将它拔出。
It was a story about slum life in Chicago. 这是一篇关于芝加哥贫民窟生活情况的故事。
It was a strange and welcome sensation, but I hesitated to credit the cupping because I thought perhaps I was merely relieved to have the bruising pain recede. 这是让人惊喜的感觉,但我不敢相信是拔火罐的结果,我想也许只是那种瘀痛减轻了。
It was a strange, uneasy-making morning in every way. 这个早晨真是哪里都不对劲,奇奇怪怪的。
It was a strategic victory because of the town's steamboat port and railway station. 因为这个城镇的蒸汽船港口与火车站相当的重要,所以取得这场胜利具有战略上的意义。
It was a stressful week, wasn't it? 这个星期很紧张吧,是不是?
It was a stroke of luck that I found you here. 我在这里碰见你真是运气。
It was a stylish performance but lacking in soul. 那是一次有气派但缺乏内涵的表演。
It was a subject broached by assistant manager [and former Blues right-back] Steve Clarke on his recent appearance on Chelsea TV's Big Match Countdown. 助理教练克拉克(前蓝军右后卫)最近一次出现在切尔西电台的“大赛倒计时”节目时,把这一问题拿出来做了讨论。
It was a successful attempt. 那是一种成功的尝试。
It was a successful experiment. 那是一次成功的试验。

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