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Intelligential measuring and controlling node based on CAN bus is introduced.

Intelligent e-knowledge base engine for any kind of knowledge-based applications, supporting effective knowledge presentation, precise knowledge search, adaptive learning and immediate consulting. 智能电子知识库引擎供任意基于知识的应用程序使用,支持有效的知识表达,精确的知识搜索,适应性学习和即时查询。
Intelligent intelligence.The understand oneself of intelligent and wise woman is shoulding play when what role, know as well soft as well just, swim the blade enough to spare. 聪慧。聪慧的女子明白自己在什么时候应当扮演什么角色,懂得亦柔亦刚,游刃有余。
Intelligent light-sensing technology automatically adjusts LCD screen and keyboard backlighting to react to ambient light levels. 智能光传感技术,自动调整键盘背光和液晶显示屏周围反应轻水平.
Intelligent magnetic field meter is a new intelligent magnetic field measure insurance instrument based on hail effect, which adopts single-chip microcomputer and digital potentiometer chip. 摘要智能磁强计是在设计上采用单片机和数字电位器,替代传统的机械电位器的基础上,研发出的一种基于霍尔效应的新型智能化磁场强度测量仪器。
Intelligent peoples do not wander about looking for trouble in the evening hours. 艾德温:聪明的人并不会在夜里四处乱逛,自找麻烦。
Intelligential measuring and controlling node based on CAN bus is introduced. 摘要介绍了基于CAN总线技术的智能测控节点。
Intelligently defining the Housing Price-income Ratio will be beneficial to its effective application. 科学界定房价收入比的涵义,对于有效提高这一指标的应用价值至关重要。
Intemperate in the pursuit of pleasure; dissolute. 放荡的,浪荡的无节制地追寻欢乐;浪荡的
Intend now to burn off all ties of attachment in the space within or without and reunite broken circuitry, pressing together that which is of the front with the back, the left with the right, and the masculine or feminine within and into sovereignty of en 现在意想在内部或外部空间燃烧所有的连接捆绑,重新整合分裂的回路,将前面和后面、左边和右边、阳性或阴性在能量流的王国中压在一起。
Intend that chakras to spin to the right if you are female and left if you are male in gender and syncopated in rhythm and timing unto earth's field rotation. 如果你是女性,请意想脉轮旋转向右边,如果你是男性,则旋转向左边,根据地球的场旋转将节奏和时间切分。
Intend that each chakra balances out to the same size and intensity as the new light earth dream energies bathe you from top to bottom. 当新的地球光明梦想能量将你从头到脚沐浴时,意想每个脉轮平衡成同样的尺寸与亮度。

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