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The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.

The sale of the book was over one million. 那本书销量超过一百万本.
The sale of the painting was conditional on the expert's agreement that it was an original Rembrandt. 这幅画的出售须要有专家认可它确是伦勃朗的原作才行。
The sale of these securities may reduce the money supply, while buying of these securities may reduce the interest rate, increase money supply and results in the promotion of economic development. 出售这些证券可以减少货币供应,而当购买这些证券时可以使利率下减,增加货币供应,从而加快经济发展。
The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 营业部与仓库的计算机联网。
The sale shop of our factory in China Science and Technology Hardware City,also manages various baking oven、separative slurry miller、juice extractor、muller、noodle mixer、rice grinding machine、egg beater、water ice machine、burger machine、moulter,etc various 本厂在中国科技五金城经营部,还经营各种烤箱、分离磨浆机、榨汁机、粉碎机、和面机、碾米机、搅蛋机、刨冰机、肉丸机、脱毛机等各种食品机械。
The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over. 减价销售原来预料要持续一周,然而实际上现在已经结束了.
The sales amount specified in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated in conjunction with the sales amount of any other operator which is in a controlling or affiliation relationship with any of the operators. 计算前款规定的销售额,应当将与该经营者具有控制或者从属关系的经营者的销售额一并计算。
The sales exceeded my expectation. 销售超过了我的预料。
The sales figures have been adjusted slightly. 销售数字已稍作修正。
The sales force has generated a big sales increase. 这股销售势头带来销售额的大幅增加。
The sales growth was also fairly evenly spread throughout the US, with double-digit gains in every region except the north-east. 住房销售的增长在全美各地分布相当平均,除了东北部,其它各地的销售均出现了两位数增长。

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