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One complete round or circuit, especially of a racetrack.

One common mistake is being too specific about test inputs and procedures. 一个常见错误是对测试输入和过程过于注重细节。
One common notion is that red hair means a quick temper. 一般的概念是红发表示脾气急躁。
One common pitfall I have noticed in other tactical guidesfor realistic games is that many people tend to recite military publications and field manuals verbatim without trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. 我发现很多“战术指南”都有个通病,就是原封不动地照抄军方公布出来的一些作战手册中的内容。
One common theme that was revealed in the study was that the nursing home is a place to be idle. 除此之外,在本文中也探讨共同主要主题所包含的四大领域;包括护理之家周围环境、住民的娱乐、隐私及自主权。
One commuter said All of a sudden we were hit on the right side, and then lights went out. Some people had fractures, and others had debris on their head. 通勤客轮上的一位工作人员说,碰撞事故发生得很突然,感觉船体右侧被撞击了,随后船上灯光熄灭,一些人被撞到,船体碎片掉到乘客头上。
One complete round or circuit, especially of a racetrack. 一圈跑道完整封闭的一圈,尤指跑道
One complete set of CMM measuring report. 3一套完整的三坐标精度测量报告。
One complication of hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis with malignant hypertension is fibrinoid necrosis, as seen here in a renal arteriole. 肾脏增生性细动脉硬化合并高血压,如图发生纤维素样坏死。
One component of books is paper, and in this photo you can see kids at the Arizona Book Festival, learning how to make paper. 书本的组成要素之一就是纸,而照片中,这些的出席亚利桑那州书本节的小孩,正在学习如何制纸。
One concerned with following, spreading, or setting the fashion. 赶时髦的人学习、模仿或追求时髦的人
One confesses one's sins, ask God to forgive them because Jesus, His son, has already paid the price for one's sins and one is baptized as a sign to everybody that one is now a follower of Jesus. 那就是要承认自己的罪,恳请上帝因着他儿子为我们的罪付上了代价而赦免我们,并且受洗,以表明自己现在是耶稣的跟随者。

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