Be sure to catch up on overdue correspondence and help those you love find solutions to their dilemmas.
确保捕捉到迟来的信息并帮助你爱的人摆脱进退两难的处境。 |
Be sure to check the radio button beside width, height or relative size appropriately.
选择宽度,高度或是按原图的百分比(%)等旁边的单选按钮加以确定.注:百分比(%)值也可以自行输入。 |
Be sure to cite your sources (use MLA form) and include a bibliography. Your revision cover letter should explain how you chose these sources and how they influenced your thinking.
确定引述你的资料(用MLA形式)以及包含书目。你的修正版封面页应该解释你如何选择你的资料以及它们如何影响你的思考。 |
Be sure to clear off the rubbish.
一定要清理垃圾。 |
Be sure to close test cock before pressurizing valve.
在重新对阀门加压之前,请确认关闭测试旋塞阀。 |
Be sure to connect the black ground lead to it first.
务必首先连接黑色地线。 |
Be sure to connect the ground cord before connecting the amplifier.
连接放大器前,务必先连接地线。 |
Be sure to connect the parking cord (Light green) to the parking brake switch cord. The mounting position of the parking brake switch cord depends on your car.
务必把停车线(浅绿色)连到刹车开关导线上,刹车开关导线的固定位置和您的汽车有关。 |
Be sure to connect the power input cord after all other cords have been connected.
务必在所有其它电线已连接后再连接电源输入线。 |
Be sure to consult entries on: Amos 'n Andy, The Nat KingCole Show, I Spy, Julia, The Jeffersons, Good Times, Roots, Cutter, Tenafly, East Side/West Side, Good Times, Bill Cosby's shows, Moesha, Martin.
务必查阅以下条目:《先知安迪》、《纳金高秀》、《我是间谍》、《朱莉娅》、《杰弗森一家》、《快乐时光》、《根》、《切割机》、《特纳夫莱》、《东风西风》、《科斯比秀》、《默沙》、《马丁》。 |
Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding contracts.
天秤座:在签署合约前确保做好一切基础工作。 |