Hypnagogic hallucinations may occur in this state, especially auditory ones.
由于造梦者的而且确仍然身处梦中,这个现象被称为「假清醒」。 |
Hypnosis with the internationally known and recognized Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Adam Eason can help people both stop smoking and stay non-smokers.
美国科学家最近经研究发现,在正规的临床催眠师帮助下接受催眠治疗,有可能帮助吸烟者成功戒烟且长时间保持戒烟状态。 |
Hypnotic is the choice drug which etiologically and semeiologically treats insomnia.
催眠药物是对失眠症进行对因和对症治疗的首选药物。 |
Hypnotic rhythms and harmonic voices , sarangi, sarod, bamboo flutes and strings in this masterpiece of sound and silence. ~ devakant.com.
隐隐传来女声的吟唱而男声又不失时机的附和着,虽然简单,却仿佛是世间最恬静的声音! |
Hypnotized by the thrill of building,we have raised the houses of our lives on sand.
因为被激情所催眠,我们竟然把生活的房子建造在沙上。 |
Hypocrisy is a homage that vice pays to virtue.
伪善是恶对善的敬重. |
Hypocrisy! That really irritates me. When I'm very naive, I find everybody sympathetic.
伪善!那真的会激怒我。当我很纯真的时候,我发现大家都很有同情心。 |
Hypocrite, first remove the beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the splinter which is in your brother's eye.
你这假冒为善的人,先从你的眼中去掉梁木,然后你才看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。 |
Hypocritical: looks like having it, however pass nothing, even a fart.
虚伪:好像是在大便,实际上连屁也没放一个。 |
Hypoestes cumingiana Benth. &Hook.
枪刀菜 <H. |
Hypomanics and manics generally have chaotic personal and professional relationships.
轻度躁狂和躁狂患者的人际及职场关系,通常一团糟。 |