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Results PJS was characterized by signs of pigmentation of perioral skin and oral mucosa, together with pigmentation of skin in distal extremities.

Results Of 43, 40 patients left hospital successfully without any complication, and two patients suffered from slight hoarseness, and one was ill with hypocalcemia. 结果40例均顺利恢复出院,无并发症;2例出现轻度声嘶,1例出现低钙血症,经治疗2周痊愈出院。
Results Of the 69 patients, there are 48 completely catabatic cases and 21 part catabatic cases. 结果69例患者中48例完全缓解,21例部分缓解。
Results On the fourth day the separative rate of germanica's imagoes and larvae was above 50%, above 90% on the sixth day. 结果第4天蜚蠊的成、幼虫分离率在50%以上,第6天可达90%以上。
Results One hundred and twelve pathogenic bacteria were isolated from 286 samples. 结果286份咽拭子标本中共分离病原菌112株,检出率为39.16%。
Results Ontology based approach for building knowledge base and relevant retrieve technology as keynote. 研究基于本体论知识库构造方法及相应的检索方法,以此作为系统实现的技术基础。
Results PJS was characterized by signs of pigmentation of perioral skin and oral mucosa, together with pigmentation of skin in distal extremities. 方法:回顾分析本院经病理证实的8例黑斑息肉病的全消化道造影资料,并结合临床和病理资料共同分析。
Results Pastoperative visual acuity of 0.5 or better was obtained in 48 eyes (85.7%), 6 eyes (10.7%) 0.1~0.4, 2 eyes (3.6%)<0.1. 结果术后矫正视力≥0.5者48眼,占85.7%;0.1~0.4者6眼,占10.7%;0.1以下者2眼,占3.6%。
Results Patients with placement of indwelling silicone catheters reported no obvious discomfort in relation to the catheter placement and had significantly lower incidence of hematuiria identified microscopically than those with common latex catheters. 结论插管过程中内固定囊压迫膀胱黏膜或者病人活动牵拉导管可能是造成尿道或膀胱损伤的原因之一。
Results Placement of a zinc oxide phosphorat protective base at CEJ level decreased hydrogen peroxide. penetration dramatically. 结果漂白前平齐釉牙骨质界水平制备磷酸锌水门汀基,过氧化氢漏量显著减少。
Results RP was done in 2 cases,one of which received the resection of the hepatic artery followed by end to end anastomosis, another received resection of the superior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric artery, revascularization was done by means of 结果2例行区域性胰腺切除术,其中1例联合切除肝动脉,血管端—端吻合,1例联合切除肠系膜上动脉、肠系膜上静脉,行血管间置移植术;5例行标准胰十二指肠切除术,联合肠系膜上静脉切除血管间置移植术。
Results Radix Aucklandiae and Cortex Cinnamomi could be detected by TLC. 结果在薄层色谱中检出木香和肉桂,并且阴性无干扰。

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