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The wreckage has been recovered but the two pilots are still missing.

The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacify it. 箴16:14王的震怒、如杀人的使者.但智慧人能止息王怒。
The wreath, red bow-tie, and clear Christmas lights in the picture below is part of the simplified decoration I made in my front yard. 以下照片中的花环,红色蝴蝶结和圣诞节灯泡,都是我在前院做的简单装饰的一部份.
The wreck help up traffic on the railroads main line tracks. 失事车辆阻碍了那条铁路干线的交通。
The wreck was caused by the detachment of two cars from the train. 那次失事是因两节车厢与火车脱开造成的。
The wreck was partly submerged. 这个沉船被部分淹没了。
The wreckage has been recovered but the two pilots are still missing. 直升机虽然已经挎起来﹐毋恪两耶飞行员到担呀揣无。
The wrecked car was patched up and resold. 撞坏的汽车草草修理一下就卖掉了.
The wrecked ship was burning flares to attract attention. 那个遇难的船正烧著闪光信号以吸引注意。
The wrecked ship was firing flares to attract the attention of the coastguards. 遇难船正发射信号弹以引起海岸警卫队的注意。
The wrecked vessel disappeared beneath the waves. 失事船舶在波涛下面消失了。
The wrestler succeeded in throwing his opponent (to the canvas). 那摔角手把对方摔倒(在地)了.

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