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Abstract: This paper introduces the controlled blasting techinque for stonework and preventive technique for existing lines in construction of depressed road's extension of double line railway.

Abstract: This paper introduces several systems in the air condition design of the Mansion ,with focus on the analysis of two schemes of cold and heat source. 文摘:介绍了大厦空调设计的几个系统,着重对空调冷热源方案进行了分析,从技术可行性、投资费用和运行管理等方面进行比较,选择了一种适宜的系统方案。
Abstract: This paper introduces the application of electro-hydraulic servo system which using neural network controller to structural active control.The research indicated that the states of system have satisfactory dynamic index and precision by using th 文摘:本文利用神经网络非线性映射的特点,用逆向建模的思想,设计了一种基于神经网络的学习控制器,并将其应用于结构主动控制中的电液伺服系统闭环控制,收到很好的效果。
Abstract: This paper introduces the application of lime as the main coagulant in the treatment of the textile wasrewater. 文摘:介绍了石灰作为主混凝剂在处理纺织废水中的应用。
Abstract: This paper introduces the application technique of polyvinyl chloride to proof water on floor in winter (low temperature), including pre-application preparation and treatment to the substrate, technical property requirement on raw material at lo 文摘:介绍冬期(低温)屋面防水施工中聚氯乙烯、胶泥的应用技术,包括:施工前的准备和对屋面防水层基层的处理,对原材料在低温条件下的技术性能要求,操作过程中温度控制的要求,屋面结构结点处理方法以及材料配合的技术参数。
Abstract: This paper introduces the choice and ramming of the refractories for the 12 t induction channel furnace,which is one of the import production facilities for producing “oxygen free” copper wire by upward-leading continuous casting.The cost of hom 文摘:介绍了引进无氧铜杆上引法生产线中12t有芯感应炉炉衬耐火材料的选用和砌筑工艺;运行状况良好,整个材料费仅为进口同类材料的1/5~1/8;该熔铜炉炉衬的成功砌筑和使用,为其他同类炉子炉衬耐火材料的国产化提供了范例。
Abstract: This paper introduces the controlled blasting techinque for stonework and preventive technique for existing lines in construction of depressed road's extension of double line railway. 文摘:本文介绍了铁路复线扩堑施工中的石方控制爆破技术及对既有线的安全防护技术。
Abstract: This paper introduces the definition of initial collapse pressure of loess soil,discusses the application of initial collapse pressure in loess engineering, pointing out that the index of initial collapse pressure applied in loess engineering mu 文摘:介绍了黄土湿陷起始压力的定义,论述了湿陷起始压力在黄土工程中的应用,指出在黄土工程应用中,必须严格确定湿陷起始压力指标。
Abstract: This paper introduces the definition,the character and the application of service robot,and gives some examples of commerce service robots of oversea.It also presents some problems of developing service robots and the foreground of robot's appli 文摘:本文主要介绍了服务机器人的定义、特点和应用,并且给出了一些国外目前已经商业化了的服务机器人实例,提出了服务机器人发展应该注重的一些技术和服务机器人的应用前景。
Abstract: This paper introduces the development,main systematical composition,video encoding & decoding technology and compression technologyof digital television,and expounds current progress of digital telvision technology in the world.The curren pr 文摘:介绍了数字电视技术的发展、主要系统组成,视频编解码和压缩技术,以及数字电视技术目前在国际上的进展。
Abstract: This paper introduces the essential key element of the intelligent building (IB), and discusses the systematical integrated method of IB and the intension structural frame and sustainable development of the IB system. 文摘:文章介绍了智能建筑的基本要素,论述了智能建筑的系统集成方式,对智能建筑系统内涵构架及可持续发展进行了必要的研讨.
Abstract: This paper introduces the example of large LFEF bag filter instead of ESP applied in large dryer in cement produce. 文摘:介绍了在水泥生产中,用大型LFEF袋式除尘器代替电除尘器在大型烘干机上应用的实例。

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