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A AIDS program is being played on TV.

A : Yes, I'm OK, I just had a tumble. No big deal. 我还好,只是摔了一跤,没什么大不了的。
A : You can't put off telling her forever. Just bite the bullet and do it. (总不能永远搁在那儿吧,就硬著头皮去做啊。)
A : You may advertise your site as long as you don't do so with the use of unsolicited emails, posts or announcements. 答:你可以为你的网站做广告或推荐,只要没有不是通过垃圾邮件(非正常获得的地址)、恶意发文(灌水机)或公告。
A A Anani,Z Mao, R E White,et al.Electrochemical production of sulfur by low temperature decomposition hydrogen sulfide in an aqueous alkaline solution.J Electrochem Soc,137(9). 俞英,王崇智,赵永丰等.氧化—电解法从硫化氢获取廉价氢气方法的研究.太阳能学报,1997,18(4):400—408.
A A good digital one. Not too expensive. 一架好的数码相机。不要太贵的。
A AIDS program is being played on TV. 电视正播映一个有关爱滋病的节目。
A Actually, when I think about it, I like all the athletics events. 事实上,当我想到奥运会的时候,我喜欢所有的田径项目。
A After university? Well, I looked for a job in Beijing. 大学毕业后?哦,我在北京找了份工作。
A Ah ? so you went boating? 啊??这么说你们划船了?
A Ah, I've heard of Cambridge too – a very famous city. 啊,我也听说过剑桥——非常有名的城市。
A Ah, she's in the same field of work? 啊,她从事同一领域的工作吗?

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