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A: Mr. Johnson looks irritated. What happened?

A: Move your ass.=Move your butt. (把你的屁股挪开/滚开。)
A: Mr Liu we've often expressed our interest in investing in China . 刘先生,我们一直对在中国投资很感兴趣。
A: Mr. Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling again. You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you. 约定面试A:卡麦克尔先生,又是我,爱伦·鲍华。您让我这个星期打电话和您定一个面试时间。
A: Mr. Cohen, please come in and take a look at the full Know Loon Park view. 高汉先生,请进来随便看看,这是九龙公园全景。
A: Mr. Ford's office. May I help you? 福特先生办公室,有什么事吗?
A: Mr. Johnson looks irritated. What happened? 约翰逊先生看起来很生气。发生什么事儿了?
A: Mr. Johnson, There is a Mircrobus waiting at the frond door. 约翰逊先生,面包车正等在门口。
A: Mr. Kirkman, I've considered the offer you made me yesterday. I must point out that your price is much higher than other offers we've received. 柯克蒙先生,我已考虑过你昨天的报价了。我得指出你们的价格比我们收到的其他报价高很多。
A: Mr. Rodriguez was asking me about it yesterday. B: I'll give him a call. 快了。再过两三天就能完成了。怎么了?A:罗得里格兹先生昨天问我这事了。B:我会给他打电话的。
A: Mr. Tang, here comes Mr. Hubert Jackson. 唐先生,休伯特.杰克逊先生来了。
A: Mrs. Thomas's dog is missing. 汤玛斯太太的狗不见了。

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