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Manual programming are both complex and time consuming.

Manual hyperinflation helps alveolar recruitment, which results in secretion clearance, ventilation improvement, lung collapse prevention, lung collapse re-inflation, dynamic compliance improvement, artery oxygenation improvement and work of breathing red 手动式高度充气扩肺术可以有效帮助患者肺泡回复,呈现痰液清除、通气量改善、肺塌陷的部份扩张、顺应性改善、动脉氧合增加和呼吸减少。
Manual operating hot water flow through the radiator to control the room temperature,Its most economical of thermostatic radiator valve.Available for:3/4,1/2/Style:straight valve,angle valve. 散热器手动调节阀,通过手动调节散热器的热水流量,以达到控制室内环境温度的目的,是最经济的散热器温控阀。规格及型号:3/4”、1/2”型式:直型、角型。
Manual operation can be carried out when bolt is pulled in the hole. 专用插销插入孔中即可进行手动操作。
Manual or Automatic Machines success in placing their pearl(s) on the top of opponent's pearl(s) which is already located on the island(s), then the opponent's point(s) at that island shall be lost and point(s) shall be added to the successor pursuant to 手动机器人如果成功的将自己的积木放在岛上对手积木之上,那么对手的积木将不计入分数,同时自己因为放置了一块积木,将得一分(并不存在将对手积木的得分计入己方得分之说,这里,可能是越南方面没有注意歧义性)。
Manual or auto operation is adjustable.It can be operated by foot switch oy by two-hand switch for safety. 手动或自动操作是可以调整的,为安全起见也可以使用脚踏开关或双手开关操作。
Manual programming are both complex and time consuming. 手工编程既复杂又费时。
Manual skill and dexterity in the execution of tricks; sleight of hand. 手法敏捷变戏法时手法的熟练和敏捷;戏法
Manual sync can be a good way to get started as it is relatively easy to implement. :手动同步可是以一个好方法的开始因为它相对容易实现。
Manual timing records with accurate starting and ending time (including overtime recording), and signed by employees daily. 手工考勤记录,但需要准确记录员工的上下班(包括加班)的时间,并由员工每天签名确认。
Manual work activities including various kinds of comprehensive functional training of physical and psychological field, such as handicraft, weaving woodworking etc to increase both interest and self-confidence of patients. 生产性活动,包含多项功能的综合训练,既有体能的又有心理方面的,如:手工艺、编织、木工等,提高患者兴趣同时提高了自信心。
Manual workers often earn much less than office workers. 体力工作者通常比办公室 工作人员赚得要少得多.

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