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Whatever you do, don't sit down at a bar.

Whatever you do, do it well. 不管做怎麽事,都要把它做好。
Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choice are half chance. So are everbody else's. 不管你做什么,都不要过于自得,或者是自怨自艾.你的选择不过是一半的成功几率,其他人也一样.
Whatever you do, don't cower, stammer or apologize. 不论怎样,都不要畏缩、支吾或抱歉。
Whatever you do, don't miss this exhibition. 无论你干什么,都不要错过这次展览。
Whatever you do, don't provoke anyone else, do you hear? 不管你做什么,千万不要激怒别人,听到了吗?
Whatever you do, don't sit down at a bar. 不管你干什么,千万不要坐在酒吧间里。
Whatever you do, don't skip breakfast. “无论你干什么,都不要错过早餐。”
Whatever you do, it's all the same to me. 无论你做了什么,对我来说都一样。
Whatever you do, the goat in your life will appreciate an experience that feels affluent but doesn't cost a lot of money. 无论你做什么,摩羯座人会为你精心的安排感到开心,但不要花太多的钱。
Whatever you do, try to have a reason to do it. 无论做什麽事,都要有正当的理由。
Whatever you do, whether you bet with the herd or agai t, think it through independently first. 不管你做什么,不管你是随流而下还是逆流而上,首先对你要做的事作一独立的思考。

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