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Finally, according to these results, some suggestions for enhancing employees' job satisfaction were put forward such as decreasing job stress, increasing self-efficacy by training, and establishing appropriate personnel policy that benefits employees-pla

Finally, a wry smile formed and the Delphic oracle spoke: “I do not answer God questions. 终于,我们在一个扭歪的笑容中听见了神谕:「我不回答上帝的问题。」
Finally, according to the calculation result, in allusion to the pipeline operation and administration, several suggestion are put forward, in addition to some factors that should be considered in in-depth investigation of the problem. 根据计算结果,针对管道的运行管理和进一步深入研究该问题应考虑的因素提出了建议。
Finally, according to the conceptual framework and research findings, we also draw upon some suggestions for the management policies and academic implications for the future research. 本文最后并针对重要结论,分析其管理意涵并提出建议与未来研究之课题。
Finally, according to the empirical study conclusion, some advices are proposed for application of agile manufacturing. 最后,依据实证分析的结论,对我国企业敏捷制造的实施提出了一些建议。
Finally, according to the peculiarity of abundant sulfide, this article analyzes and brings forward some advises and assumers to the technique on the integrated treatment of spent caustic. 最后针对废碱液中硫化物含量高的特点,分析提出了适宜废碱液综合治理的技术建议和设想。
Finally, according to these results, some suggestions for enhancing employees' job satisfaction were put forward such as decreasing job stress, increasing self-efficacy by training, and establishing appropriate personnel policy that benefits employees-pla 根据笔者研究结果,提出了减少工作应激刺激、提供培训提高员工自我效能感、制定合理的人员安置和促进员工发展的人事制度,以增强员工的工作满意感的建议。
Finally, add the hot sauce to taste, and mix the ingredients well. 最后加热的调味汁品尝一下,好好搅拌一下调料。
Finally, adding the discussion of cultural causes and the rise of Rome typeface, the relationship between the gothic script and the renaissance typeface design for the future study topics was presented as follows: (1) the development of gothic script book 最后再加入环境文化因素与罗马字体的兴起等议题,针对后续研究文艺复兴印刷字体的设计源起,就哥德字体的发展对活字初期的字形影响,再提出三点命题思考:(1)从字形及书籍发展,探讨印刷兴起之背景,(2)北方活字印刷最初的字形依据,(3)南方哥德字体风格与罗马印刷字形发展的关系。
Finally, after 5 years we got the chance to take our show on the road. 节目开播5年来,我们第一次有机会走出上海。
Finally, after millions of years, and well after the nuclear chain reactions terminated, xenon 129 formed. 最后,经过了几百万年,连锁核反应结束许久之后,氙129才产生。
Finally, after nearly a month of hard labor, the portage was complete. 最后,辛苦将近一个月后,运输工作终告完成。

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