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Falling aluminium window frames are nothing new.

Fallen Red Maple leaves spark a contrast of color as they rest in a blanket of green grass on the South Lawn of the White House. 白宫大院南部绿色的草坪像个大毯子,红色的枫叶落在上面,色彩对比鲜明。
Fallen World, separated from the material realm by the Gauntlet. 影域:下界的精神域与朝生暮死区域,通过险棘将它与物质领域隔离开来。
Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses. 摔下来的骑手遭飞奔马群践踏.
Fallen trees also provide bird and animal shelter, increase water holding capacity of the soil, and recycle nutrients back into the environment through decomposition. 倾倒的树木也为鸟类和动物提供了栖息的场所,同时保持了水土,通过物质分解,将营养成分循环利用。
Fallen trees barred the way. 倒下的树木堵塞了道路。
Falling aluminium window frames are nothing new. 铝窗飞堕并不是甚麽新鲜事。
Falling below the manufacturer's standard or usual specifications; imperfect. 不完美的在制造者的标准或通常要求之下的;不完美的
Falling in 1ove is the most exquisitely personal of all human experiences. 堕入情网在所有人类经历中是最具个人色彩的。
Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself in trouble because you didn't do your homework. 坠入爱河是种强烈的感情,但是当你手上戴着婚戒醒来时,你不会希望发现自己因为没有作好功课而处于不幸中。
Falling in love is no more than the several specified phases. 恋爱也不外乎那几个阶段。
Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams. 相爱就是她在你的怀里酣然入睡,然后在你的梦里悄然醒来。

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