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Recent Progresses of Mechanisms of Cold Injuryand Physiological and Molecular Bases of Cold Acclimationon Improving Cold-resistance of Plants

The Usage of Bioinformatics in Gene and Drug Discovery 生物信息学在基因和药物发现中的应用
The study on the biology of T.strauchii (Kessler) in the lake of sailimu 赛里木湖新疆高原鳅生物学研究
Materials and Structure Design of Artificial Dermis Equivalent Based on Collagen 胶原基人工真皮替代物的材料与结构设计
Prokaryotic Expressing of LZ-8 Gene in E-Coli LZ-8基因在大肠杆菌中的表达
Diversity of Terrestrial Vertebrate in Chongqing Area of the Three Gorges Reservoir 重庆库区陆生脊椎动物多样性
Recent Progresses of Mechanisms of Cold Injuryand Physiological and Molecular Bases of Cold Acclimationon Improving Cold-resistance of Plants 植物冷害机理及冷驯化的生理与分子学基础
The Mathematical Principles of AFNI and One of its Applications to the Research of the Functional Neuroimages AFNI的数学基础及其在脑高级功能研究中的一个应用
The relationship between the heavy metals Cd, Zn in crop and soil properties, the total content of Cd and Zn 作物中Cd和Zn的含量与土壤性质及土壤中Cd,Zn总含量的关系
A Brief Introduction of Study on Serial Analysis of Gene Expression 基因表达系列分析(SAGE)的研究进展
Surface modification of bone tissue engineering materials and cell adhesion 骨组织工程材料的表面修饰和细胞粘附
A Preliminary Study on Staining Method of Esterase Isozymes Using Naphthylacetate and KMnO4 酯酶同工酶的一种新染色法的初步研究

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