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Regulator gene A gene whose product can promotor or prevent the TRANSCRIPTION of structural genes, which may or may not be adjacent to other regulator genes, and may even be on another chromosome.

Regulations governing the qualification requirements, conditions, application procedures and assessment of the designated testing laboratories, and the term of validity, the issuance/revocation/rescission of the certificate (new or replacement), and relev 前项指定试验室应具备之资格、条件、认可之申请程序、评鑑、认可证书之有效期间、核(换)发、撤销、废止及相关管理事项之办法,由标准检验局定之。
Regulations on Administration of Foreign-Invested Construction Enterprises approved respectively at the 63rd Executive Meeting of the Ministry of Construction on 9 September 2002 and at the 10th Ministerial Meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Eco 《外商投资建筑业企业管理规定》已经2002年9月9日建设部第63次常务会议和2002年9月17日对外贸易经济合作部第10次部长办公会议审议通过,现予发布,自2002年12月1日起施行。
Regulations prescribe certain standards for building materials. 有规章规定建筑材料的某些标准.
Regulations prescribe that a lawyer draw up the paper. 条文规定必须由律师拟定此公文。
Regulations: don't destroy the circle and make sure the number of the feet in the circle is equal or greater than two meanwhile equal or lesser than four. 游戏规定,不能动圈,不能松手,圈里面的脚的个数大于等于2,同时小于等于4,这个游戏主要训练团队配合能力。
Regulator gene A gene whose product can promotor or prevent the TRANSCRIPTION of structural genes, which may or may not be adjacent to other regulator genes, and may even be on another chromosome. 调节基因:这种基因的产物可以促进或抑制结构基因的转录,其可能与其他的调节基因相连,也可以不相连,甚至两者可以不在同一染色体上。
Regulator may be installed vertically or horizontally (upright or inverted). 调节阀可以垂直安装或水平安装(朝上或超下)。
Regulator shall be a Watts Regulator Company Series P50 or P60. 这种调节阀应该是美国瓦茨调节阀公司系列P50或P60。
Regulator shall be corrosion resistant, compact and lightweight. 这种调节阀应该是耐腐蚀的,紧凑的和轻型的。
Regulators are working through IOSCO, an international body of securities regulators, to attempt to whittle down these differences. 各国权威机构正通过国际证监会组织来试图消除这些琐碎的区别。
Regulators have also tightened bank credit by other means and imposed curbs on real estate investment in an effort to rein in excessive spending. 管理者还采取其他措施紧缩银根,控制固定资产投资,以期防止过度支出。

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