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Much of the food is fried and there is a greater use of sesame oil and vinegar.

Much of the country, west of the Mississippi is coping with a paralyzing ice-and-snow storm. 全国大部分地区,包括密西西比州西部正在遭受着暴风雪带来的交通瘫痪的考验。
Much of the credit for the victory goes to Kaka, however, after he bagged a sensational hat-trick. 米兰获胜的头号功臣是卡卡,他完成了一个令人惊艳的帽子戏法.
Much of the criticism surrounds the conduct of Liverpool fans in Athens before the Champions League final last month, where fans without tickets or with fakes were able to gain access to the stadium at the expense of genuine ticket-holders and Greek polic 当中既批评主要集中系红军球迷系雅典欧联决赛既行为﹐主要包括冇波飞或持有假波飞既人可以轻易进入球场﹐但持有真波飞既球迷却被拒绝入场而引致扰乱﹐导致希腊警方使用催泪弹去驱散球迷。
Much of the equity market weakness during June was attributable to the sharp rise in bond yields, which accompanied increasing expectations that US interest rates are likely to be on hold for some time, with further increases becoming a possibility as eco 债券收益率急速上扬是6月份打击股市的主要因素,市场预期美元利率虽暂时不会变动,但将来会由于经济走强而有可能上升。
Much of the expense is shouldered by taxpayers, who pay for the dedicated high-speed tracks, but the train services that run on them mostly make a profit (though Eurostar has been dogged by losses relating to the Channel Tunnel). 很多费用是由纳税人抗着的,他们为那些精致的高速轨道掏腰包,但是在其上跑的列车运行服务却大多数要赚取利润(尽管欧洲之星一直被海峡隧道关联的损失所困)。
Much of the food is fried and there is a greater use of sesame oil and vinegar. 很多的食物要炸,而且使用大量的麻油和醋。
Much of the goodness has been leached from the soil by the action of continuous heavy rain. 土壤中不少肥力已被连续的暴雨浸滤走了。
Much of the hardware validation may be performed by the computer vendor. 计算机零售商是可以完成大多数的硬件验证。
Much of the homelessness and poverty prevalent in the human dance is the result of such extreme fracturing of polarity that some are left with an inability to function in the physical. 在人类舞蹈中许多无家可归和普遍贫困的现象是由于如此极端破裂的极性的结果,其中,某些人被留下而在物理层中无能运作。
Much of the information he gleaned was of no practical use. 他所搜集的许多信息没有实用价值。
Much of the information obtained through active methods may also be obtained by passively listening to traffic with sniffer. 网络管理员可以通过使用嗅探器被动地监听网络通信而得到主动扫描网络所获得的大部分信息。

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