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Aquamarine: Remind one of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Stone of the new heart chakra center.

Apropos, the bucket is heard to have flown to the outer space and is now a satellite, moving along the orbit. 至于那个水桶,据说它飞出外太空之后变成人造卫星,现在正绕著地球轨道行进中。
Apt. Rep: In that case, I'll see you this afternoon at 2:00. 小姐:若是那样的话,我们今天下午两点再见。
Apte, Mahadev L. Sexual Inequality in Humor.In Humor and Laughter: An Anthropological Approach. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985, pp. 67-81. ISBN: 0801417201. 从诙谐看两性的不平等〉,收录于《幽默与欢笑:从人类学著手》.伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社,1985,第67-81页.ISBN:0801417201.
Aptitude for processing or analytical machinery. 对加工机械或分析仪器有浓厚的兴趣。
Aqua aerobics has long been recognized for its exercise benefits. 水中有氧运动早已被认定有健身的好处。
Aquamarine: Remind one of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Stone of the new heart chakra center. 绿玉:唤醒大海般的爱和仁慈之一。位于心脏穴位中心的宝石。
Aquaporin (water pore) A protein channel in the plasma membrane that facilitates water movement across the membrane. Aquaporins can open or close to increase or decrease water flow. 水通道(水孔):位于质膜上的一种蛋白通道,控制水的跨膜运输。它的开或关可以增加或减少水的流量。
Aquarians like anything different, new, technological or progressive. 瓶子喜欢新鲜、技术含量高的稀奇事情。
Aquarium Desktop 2006 isn't a screen saver. It actually puts virtual fish and plants onto your desktop to swim around while you work. 嘿,这个不是屏幕保护哦,更不是梦幻水族馆屏保哦,这是真正的动态桌面哦。
Aquarium Desktop 2007 isn't a screen saver, it actually puts virtual fish and plants onto your desktop to swim around while you work! 水族馆桌面, 2007年不是一个萤幕,它其实是把虚拟鱼类和植物放在桌面上游动,而你的工作!
Aquarius builds their costume out of spare flashlights and spends all night tinkering when it shorts. 水瓶座将废旧手电筒用在万圣节行头上,结果不得不整晚不停地补充能源。

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