Our team is still out of trim now and I am afraid we will lose the game.
我们队仍未准备好,我担心我们会输掉这场比赛。 |
Our team lost today because the coach and captain did not let the left hand know what the right hand was doing, and the players were all mixed up.
我们今天失败了,是由于兼任教练的队长未能使队员相互配合以致队员都不知所措。 |
Our team members, Prowess Acoustics Corp, have experience in acoustics industries for over 10 years. Prowess Acoustics Corp has researched, designed and manufactured acoustical material with cutting-edge technology.
怡声国际团队成员拥有十年以上的声学经验丰富实务经验,无论在声学规划、设计、及产品开发等拥有丰富的声学实务。为了扩展宽广的产品线,怡声国际更积极的和产业界合作,以期能达到更宽广的空间。 |
Our team must trump them in the game.
我们的队伍一定会在竞赛中胜过他们。 |
Our team of engineer is highly experienced with eight of them have years of experience in casting process design, which enables our service to cover processes of casting process design, pattern design, pattern making and sample producing.
我公司拥有经验丰富的专业工程师队伍,其中有八位工程师是多年从事铸造工艺设计的,这使得我们能够承包包括铸造工艺设计、模具设计、模具制造、样件试制的全过程。 |
Our team overwhelmed the visitors by40 points.
我们队以40分彻底击败了来访者。 |
Our team scored the most goals on aggregate.
整个来说, 我们队得分最多. |
Our team scored the most goals on aggregate.
整个来说,我们队得分最多. |
Our team visited a rural school with a Rotary wheel over the door, a dirt floor but desks and books, where due to the generosity of Rotarians literacy flourished.
我们交换团参观了一所乡间门上挂有扶轮齿轮标帜的学校,泥土地面上有桌子及书本,那里就是因为扶轮社员的慷慨解囊而识字教育兴旺。 |
Our team was knocked out in the second run.
我们的队在第二轮比赛中被击垮。 |
Our team went all out for the championship.
为了的冠军,我们的队伍可以说是全力以赴。 |