Conclusions:Parenteral nutrition support is an important measure which helps to improve the patients nutritive condition,reestablish the hemopoietic ability of marrow and ensure the success of the transplantation.
结论:肠外营养支持加口服饮食是造血干细胞移植中迅速改善病人的营养状况、顺利度过骨髓空虚期、促进骨髓造血重建、确保移植成功的重要措施。 |
Conclusions:Proper hold of surgical indications and full realization of tumor invasion domain are essential to perform partial laryngectomy successfully.
结论:认为掌握手术指征,充分了解肿瘤侵犯的范围是部分喉切除成功的关键。 |
Conclusions:This direct effect of cholesterol on ?-cell metabolism opens a noel set of mechanisms that may contribute to ?-cell dysfunction and the onset of diabetes in obese patients.
结论:通过胆固醇对?-细胞代谢的直接作用提出一个新的机制,其可能对肥胖患者的?-细胞功能障碍及糖尿病的发病起了促进作用。 |
Conclusions:We discussed the conventional surgeries and put emphasis on using microsurgical inguinal varicocelectomy for treating varicocele and recurrent varicocele.
结论:对传统各种手术进行讨论,并提出应采用显微外科手术治疗传统手术后再发性精索静脉曲张症,效果良好。 |
Conclusions— Clinical outcome of patients with significant MR after PM aried according to MR mechanism and the adequacy of hemodynamic improement, which is easily assessed by echocardiography immediately after PM.
结论:经皮二尖瓣成形术后严重二尖瓣关闭不全患者的临床结果因MR机制和血流动力学改善的程度的不同而异,这种血流动力学改善的程度的不同可以在经皮二尖瓣成形术后立刻通过超声心动图检测。 |
Conclusions— In vivo DT-MRI of postinfarct myocardium revealed a significant increase in trace ADC and a decrease in FA, indicating altered tissue integrity.
结论:梗死后活体内心肌DT-MRI显示微表面扩散系数明显增加而分次各向异性减弱,提示组织完整性发生改变。 |
Conclusions— On the basis of data aailable from published clinical trials, statin therapy is associated with a small excess risk of transaminase eleations, but not of myalgias, creatine kinase eleations, rhabdomyolysis, or withdrawal of therapy compared w
结论:基于可利用的临床试验数据,与安慰剂比较,他汀类治疗存在转氨酶升高的风险,却与肌痛、肌酸激酶升高、横纹肌溶解或者终止用药无关。 |
Conclusions— Our results demonstrate for the first time that PTP1B inhibitors may be potent treatments for endothelial dysfunction.
结论:我们的研究结果第一次表明应用PTP1B抑制剂有可能可以有效治疗内皮功能障碍。 |
Conclusions— PCI with stenting of a persistently occluded IRA in the subacute phase after MI effectiely maintains long-term patency but has no effect on L ejection fraction.
结论:伴支架术的经皮冠脉介入治疗心肌梗死亚急期持久闭塞梗死相关动脉可以有效地维持血管长期开通,但对左室射血分数没有明显改善。 |
Conclusions— Risk of stroke increased strongly with increasing middle cerebral artery flow velocity as measured with transcranial Doppler in the general population.
结论:在普通人群中,卒中风险随经颅多谱勒测定的大脑中动脉血流速度增高而明显增高。 |
Conclusions— Short-term particulate exposures contributed to acute coronary eents, especially among patients with underlying coronary artery disease.
结论:短期暴露于微粒污染的环境中会促进急性冠脉事件的发生,特别是那些已患冠心病者。 |