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It is Labor Day, of course, a time to salute the American worker.

1 It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts. 已记 看解释
2 It is IMGA's mission is to reward and recognize the best innovators and the most creative developers of mobile games in the world. 已记 看解释
3 It is Jehovah your God who is crossing over before you; it is He who will destroy these nations from before you, and you will dispossess them. 已记 看解释
4 It is Jorge Valdano who should talk about it. 已记 看解释
5 It is KFC with crisis management does a very good job in the aspects of preparation, curtailment,reaction and resilience that takes the emersion of the success for a mature enterprise during its crises management. 已记 看解释
6 It is Labor Day, of course, a time to salute the American worker. 已记 看解释
7 It is Merry-go-round of the circle of the mebius that doesn't end at night. 已记 看解释
8 It is Mianyang that has fostered Li Bai with heroic personality and vigorous poem style, having promoted him to climb up a romanticism poem peak in the world. 已记 看解释
9 It is Monday, April 13, 1970 and Apollo 13 is flying to the Moon. 已记 看解释
10 It is Mr Hosseini's insight into the lives of ordinary Afghan women that gives this story its strength. 已记 看解释
11 It is Mr. Greenwood who owns and operates this farm. 已记 看解释

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