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I know I won't naturally fall asleep easily,he said.

I knew that we should find a ventilator before ever we came to Stoke Moran. “在我们来斯托克默林之前,我就知道我们会发现一个通风口的。”
I know Gaby, I saw him playing in France for two years,said Deschamps. “我了解加布,我看过他在法国踢了二年球,”德尚说。
I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me. 约7:29我却认识他.因为我是从他来的、他也是差了我来。
I know I am being nosy, but I --I said. “我知道我很好管闲事,但我..”我说。
I know I put the fish into my crate! Lazy Cat turned to Piggy with a suspicious look. Feeling very nervous, Piggy blushed to the very roots of his neck. 明明是把鱼放进竹篓里的呀,怎么会不见了呢?懒懒猫用怀疑的目光看着小猪乐乐,小猪乐乐一紧张,它的脸一下子红到了脖子根。
I know I won't naturally fall asleep easily,he said. 他说:我知道我一定没办法自然的睡著的。
I know Macedonia are, we are and I know Uefa are and that's all we can do about it. 我知道马其顿,我们还有欧足联都想这样去做。
I know Marshmallow and Yam are going to feel pretty good strutting around sunny California, remembering the cold days of Minnesota,Bush said. “我知道当‘果汁软糖'和‘山药'在加利福尼亚暖洋洋的阳光下漫步时,想起以前明尼苏达州寒冷的日子,它们一定会感觉非常好,”布什说。
I know a lot of disabled people need my help. “我知道很多残疾人需要帮助。
I know a man,who is both competent and talented. “我认识一个人,他既有能力又有才华。”
I know every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine. 诗50:11山中的飞鸟、我都知道.野地的走兽、也都属我。

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