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“Genoa confirmed themselves as an excellent side and they came here to play their own game, which allowed us to play football too.

“Gabe, your mom is so sweet!” 你的妈妈真亲切!”
“Galliani may be pessimistic, but that is his problem,” said Lotito on Wednesday. 加利亚尼可能很悲观,但那是他自己的问题,洛蒂托在周三说道.
“Gays are still thankful to us. “同性恋人士应该感激我们。”
“General Kutuzov has been kind enough to have me as an aide-de-camp,” said Bolkonsky. “库图佐夫将军要我做他的副官”博尔孔斯基说道,像法国人一样,说库图佐夫一词时总把重音搁在最后一个音节上。
“Generic detection” is a term applied when the scanner looks for a number of known variants, using a search string that can be used to detect all those variants. “种群特征检测”的应用依靠于扫描器寻找一组已知的变量,这是通过使用一种能够被用来检测这些变量的搜索指纹实现的。
“Genoa confirmed themselves as an excellent side and they came here to play their own game, which allowed us to play football too. “热那亚早已证明了他们是一支杰出的球队,他们来这里演绎了属于他们的足球,而我们也踢出了我们的风格。”
“Genoa have a little more quality, but Napoli do better away from home because they defend well and strike on the counter,” explained Deschamps. “热那亚更有水平,但那不勒斯在客场表现更佳,因为他们防守很好,前锋更适宜反击,”德尚解释。
“Gentlemen ,Rinaldo is here!”And Rinaldo, the first violin, rushed to a chair and sat to play. “What shall it be?” he asked. “先生们,雷纳而多在此”然后第一小提琴手雷纳尔多冲向椅子坐下,“演奏什么?”他问。
“Genuine” means free of forgery or counterfeiting. “真正的”指不是伪造的或假冒的。
“Gerald,” asked the teacher, “what is the shape of the earth? “杰拉尔德,”老师说,“地球是什么形状的?”
“Gerald,” she wrote to another, “I am too old to travel. “杰罗德,”她给另一个儿子写道,“我太老了,不能再出去旅游了。

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