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Have you seen that cyber-kid over there with the glo-sticks all over him? He looks like an extra from a sci-fi film.

Have you seen my photograph in the newspaper? 你看到我在报纸上的照片了吗?
Have you seen our conductor? ? 你看到我们的售票员了吗?
Have you seen our new packing specifications? 你看过我们新的包装指示了没有?
Have you seen spy planes, helicopters and space shuttles? 你们见过间谍飞机、直升飞机、航天飞机吗?
Have you seen that circular from the new furniture centre? 你见到那家本地新开的家具总汇的广告了吗?
Have you seen that cyber-kid over there with the glo-sticks all over him? He looks like an extra from a sci-fi film. 看见那个满身披挂着荧光棒的数码小子了吗?他开起来就像科幻电影的临时演员。
Have you seen the Grand Canyon? 你有没有看过大峡谷呢?
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition ? 你参观过毕加索的画展吗?
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? 你参观过毕加索的画展吗?
Have you seen the amount of foods those lads can stow away at one meal? 你可曾见过那些小伙子一餐的食量有多大?
Have you seen the brightly-coloured plumage of tropical birds? 你见过热带鸟类色彩斑斓的羽毛吗?

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