Lai, C.C., S.W. Hu and V. Wang, “Monetary Announcement and Commodity Price Dynamics under Fixed Exchange Rates”, American Economist , in reviews. |
中文意思: 王葳、胡士文,「民众预期与商品价格之稳定-目标区理论之应用」,《东海管理评论》,第五卷第二期,页1-30,民国92年12月。 |
Lagrange believed that a mathematician did not thoroughly understand his work until he had made it so clear that he could go out and explain it to the first person he met on the street.
拉格朗日认为,一个数学家,只有当他走出去,对他在街上遇到的第一个人清楚地解释自己的工作时,他才算完全理解了自己的工作。 |
Laguna:As friend dont forget one another! As friend, believe in one anoeher! Believe in your friends existence! And theyll also believe in yours.
做为朋友,不要忘了对方!做为朋友,相信对方.相信你的朋友能够生存下去!这样的话,他们也一样会信任你! |
Lahkesis: Your resolve is admirable, even if it is…misguided.
拉克西斯:你的决心令人钦佩,即使一度…被误导了。 |
Lai Lai (Welcome): Right fore hand crippled permanently. Can only leap weakly. Now shivering in a small cage shared with a couple of other dogs.
来来(迷你型贵妇),右前肢伤残,只能跳跃行走,瘦弱萎缩于容有数只犬的笼中。 |
Lai received his Bachelor of Science from the National University of Singapore in 1987.
赖先生于1987年获得新加坡国立大学理学学士学位。 |
Lai, C.C., S.W. Hu and V. Wang, “Monetary Announcement and Commodity Price Dynamics under Fixed Exchange Rates”, American Economist , in reviews.
王葳、胡士文,「民众预期与商品价格之稳定-目标区理论之应用」,《东海管理评论》,第五卷第二期,页1-30,民国92年12月。 |
Lai, C.J. &Fan, S.L., Visualization of two-layered flow over 2-D obstacles , Int. conf. on Phys. Modeling of Transport and Dispersion, Aug. 7-10, MIT, U. S. A., 1990.
赖泉基,刘雪彗,突扩管紊流数值模拟与流场可视化,78年电子计算机于土木水利工程应用研讨会论文集,第89-102页,1989年10月,台北。 |
Lai, C.J. &Knight, D.W., Distribution of streamwise velocity and boundary shear stress in compound channels , Proc., 3rd. Int., Sympo. on Refined flow modeling and turbulence July, 26-28, pp. 525-536, 1988, Tokyo.
赖泉基,颜志伟,压力紊流通过方形障碍物之流场解析,第十三届全国力学会议论文集,第1093-1102页,1989年12月,台中。 |
Lai, C.Y., Huang, S.H., Chen, C.C. Improvement and Application of a Simple Diluter,(Expanded Paper) The 1996 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Chungli, Taiwan, December 5-7, 1996.
赖全裕、陈志杰、叶文裕、石东生、陈正尧:『以多孔性材质研发气悬微粒分径采样器』(全文)1996年作业环境测定技术研讨会,台北,台湾,11月26日~27日,1996。 |
Lai, C.Y.; Hsiau; S.H., Chen; C.C., Lin; W.Y., Huang, R.F. and Chang, C.T.: Size Characteristics of Particulate Matter by a Two Stroke Engine (Abstract), American Association for Aerosol Research 16th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 13-17, 1997.
萧玄谦、赖全裕、陈志杰、李铠、黄荣芳、林文印、张章堂:『汽机车气悬微粒物理特性之研究』(全文)1997年气胶科技暨环境测定与控制国际研讨会,台南,台湾,10月1日~2日,1997。 |
Lai, Ching-chong and Wen-ya Chang , 1991. 10, “Exchange Regime Switch: An Extension of the Obstfeld and; Stockman Analysis,” presented at The Thirty-Second Atlantic Economic Conference, Washington , D.C. ,Atlantic Economic Society.
赖景昌、张文雅、朱云鹏,1987.6,「管理双元汇率制度、货币政策与汇率动态调整」,?第五次社会科学研讨会论文集,中央研究院三民主义研究所,页90-114。 |