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Gold Class Endurance Original formula leaves a dark satin matte finish.

Going with a company that doesn't feel right may embarrass them and decrease your chances at repeat business. 如果某个公司看上去让人感觉并不理想,那么这就会使他们感到厌烦,甚至失去使他们再次上门洽谈生意的机会。
Gokaslan ZL , Romsdahl MM, Kroll SS , et al . Total sacrectomy and Galveston L2rod reconstruction for malignant neoplasms. Technical note. J Neurosurg , 1997 , 87 :781-787. 肖建如,贾连顺。高位骶骨肿瘤切除与重建方式探讨[J].中华外科杂志2003,41(8):575。
Golby reported that Israel was doing well on the Syrian front and holding its own in the Sinal. 科尔比报告说;以色列在叙利亚战线上打得不错,在西奈前线也打了个平手。
Gold Bach's conjecture, looking so simple, can not be approved in several hundreds years. 如哥德巴赫猜想,看看是如此的简单,可要证明它,却是过了几百年也没有成功。
Gold Class Endurance High Gloss leaves A shinier, higher gloss finish. 金装持久高度光洁剂可产生闪光、超级的抛光效果。
Gold Class Endurance Original formula leaves a dark satin matte finish. 金装持续原始配方可提高黑色的光泽度。
Gold Coast is a beautiful tourist city on the east coastline of Australia. 然而,可能是因为不为人所知的事物和环境总是那么诱人,我总是被对外国的好奇心驱使着。
Gold Cost 9:00—12:30 English study. 13:30—17:30 Visit Ten Pin, play Bowling. 18:00 retune to home and dinner. Evening go to shopping with home stay family. 黄金海岸9:00—12:30英语学习,13:30—17:30往体育中心打保龄球。18:00返回住家晚餐。晚上和寄宿家庭一起去购物。
Gold Skirt ------This ensemble brings together the two very popular materials this season – shimmering nylon thread and dazzling damask. 闪亮的尼龙丝、金属质感的光缎是这一季非常流行的面料。
Gold and Silver are the result of uniting all single, dual, tri and quad notes within the Language of Light into a single golden or silver ray. 金和银是把光之语内所有单音调、双音调、三音调和四音调统一为单一金或银光线的结果。
Gold and silver scarabs have also been found, but are much rarer, because of grave robbers. 也发现了金和银圣甲虫,但是更加稀罕,因为盗墓贼。

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