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Tibetan refugees continue to pour across the Himalayas.

Tibetan Buddhism ethic notion throughout influencing Tibetan social facets. 摘要藏传佛教的伦理观念始终影响着藏族社会的方方面面。
Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
Tibetan Buddhism's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and thousands of his followers fled to India from Tibet in 1959 during a failed revolt against Chinese rule. 1959年,藏传佛教的精神领袖达赖喇嘛和他的数千名追随者在反对汉人统治起事失败后逃亡到印度。
Tibetan Buddhism, also called LAMAISM, distinctive form of Buddhism that evolved from the 7th century AD in Tibet. 藏传佛教,也称为喇嘛教,是与众不同的佛教,发展于公元七世纪的西藏。
Tibetan name, Latin name of a drug, protected breed, original source of medical materials, the original plant/animal's morphometrics, source distribution, environment, planting/breeding method, collection and storage of medical materials, parts of the pla 品名(藏音名)、拉丁名、保护品种、中药材基原及形态、动植物资源分布、动植物生态环境、药用动植物的栽培养殖、药材的采收与贮藏、药用部位、生药材鉴定、中药化学成分、中药化学鉴定、炮制方法、中药剂型、中药制药工艺、药物作用与药理效应、毒理学、实验动物的品种、方剂组成、药物与剂量、归经、功效、主治、用法用量、应用忌宜、不良反应及治疗、选方、临床运用、考证、应用鉴别等。
Tibetan refugees continue to pour across the Himalayas. 西藏难民继续穿越喜马拉雅山涌入印度。
Tibetan singer Ji Zong and Zhuo Ma won the first price among 22 singers at last. 本次比赛共有22名选手参加,最终藏族歌手白马吉宗和卓玛以一曲“牧歌”获得本次比赛的冠军。
Tibetan texts containing what appear to be historical facts about Shambhala, such as the names and dates of its kings and records of corresponding events occurring in the outside world, give Tibetans additional reason for believing that the kingdom exists 西藏文献里似乎有关于香巴拉的历史性事实,例如它的国王的名字和日期以及发生在外部的世界的相应事件记录,提供了西藏人附加的理由相信王国存在。
Tibetans believe that the land is guarded by beings with superhuman powers. 西藏人相信该陆地受具有超人力量的生命保卫。
Tick √the correct words in the table. 在表格里正确的单词处画√。
Tick '√ ' the things that David will do today. 在大卫今天要做的事前打勾。

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