The Einstein@Home webapges will be upgraded over the next few hours. Please report any problems in the Problems and Bug Reports message board.
接下来的几个小时项目网站将进行升级。有任何问题请在网站留言板的“问题与错误报告”版面进行报告。 |
The El Nino is robust in the sense that is has been occurring for thousands of years, ten of thousands of yrs through all sorts of climate changes in the past.
厄尔尼诺现象看起来很活跃,千万年来它一直变幻莫测,是过去所有天气中最突出的一个。 |
The Elders of Lemuria, known as the Thirteenth School, moved their headquarters prior to the cataclysm to the uninhabited plateau of Central Asia that we now call Tibet.
利莫里亚的长者,被认为是第十三学校,把他们的总部大洪水的地方迁移到中亚的高原上,我们现在就称为西藏。 |
The Election Committee was to have voted in a secret ballot on the next chief executive on March 24.
选举委员会定于三月二十四日以暗票形式选出下一任行政长官。 |
The Elections Department is answerable to the Prime Minister's Office.
选举部门听命于总理办公室。 |
The Electoral College Plan itself was the compromise of various interests at the constitutional convention in 1787.
总统选举人团方案本身就是各种利益妥协的结果。 |
The Electoral College is an important part of the American presidential selection institution.
摘要总统选举人团制度是美国总统选举制度的重要组成部分。 |
The Electoral Commission has ruled that the procedure was aboveboard.
选举委员会裁定选举程序很光明磊落。 |
The Electric Touch is a futuristic waterproof device!
电气接触是一个复古的防水装置! |
The Electricity Board have been dallying with, the idea of building a power station down here.
对于在这儿建立一个电站的问题,电气学会并没认真考虑。 |
The Electronic Entertainment Expo, held every year in Los Angeles, this year showcased the new Goblet of Fire video game due out this November.
电子艺界每年都会在落彬机举行游戏展会,今年的展会展示了即将于11月份发布的新的火焰杯游戏。 |