The Post story is not helpful to Powell, who could find his effectiveness diminished if he is seen as a lame duck for the remaining 18 months of Bush's current term.
另外,《华盛顿邮报》的报告对鲍威尔也有些不利,因为如果大家把他看作是布什离任前18个月的即将去职的官员民选官员,他的效能将逐渐消失。 |
The Post-salt Sediment Group formed (Upper Permian to Quaternary) is composed mainly of clastic rocks, with carbonates locally.
晚二叠世以后形成的盐上层系沉积,主要爲碎屑岩,在局部地区有碳酸盐岩。 |
The Postman. David Brin. You've seen the movie about one man standing up for his ideals in a post-apocalypse America. Now read the book;it's better.
你曾看过一部电影关于一个人在美国邮递启示录过程中坚持自己的理念的故事。现在读一下这本书,它会更好些。 |
The Postmodernism architectures are falling into chaos for the impression of the relativism.
后现代建筑因处于相对主义的状态而陷入混乱。 |
The Potential accident in the oil tank cleaning and the preventive measures for the accident are stated. The safety accident in oil tank cleaning is prevent.
摘要阐述了油罐在清洗过程中可能出现的各种事故,以及针对各种事故所采取的预防措施,从而从根本上控制油罐清洗过程中安全事故的发生。 |
The Potsdam Conference was held at Cecilienhof in Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945.
波茨坦会议1945年7月17日-8月2日在德国波茨坦举行。 |
The Potsdam Declaration is signed in Potsdam, Germany.
1945年的今天,《波茨坦声明》在德国北部城市波茨坦被签署。 |
The Potsdam Declaration or the Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender (not to be confused with the Potsdam Agreement) was a statement issued on July 26, 1945 by Harry S.
波茨坦公告,又称作波茨坦宣言,是1945年7月26日在波茨坦会议上美国总统哈利·S·杜鲁门、蒋介石和英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔联合发表的一份公告。 |
The Potted Plants are welcomed by the health-conscious community. ).
盆栽植物一向备受注重健康的社会人士欢迎。 |
The Powell structural research lab at the university of California at San Diego tests new bridge materials such as carbon and fiberglass polymers.
位于圣地亚哥的加州大学鲍威尔建筑实验室试制出了新的桥梁建筑材料,如碳和玻璃纤维聚合体。 |
The Power Stage: Might Makes Right!
强权阶段:有权/力大的都是对的! |