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The NGOs under the Catholic Migrant Chaplin and TIWA woyld organize the migrant workers, while the unions and labor groups mainly under CALL would go out and speak out for the migrant workers' human rights.

The NBS computer-controlled manometric permeation measuring facility was employed for the collection of the data. (使用了国家标准局的计算机控制压差法渗透测试装置来获得测试数据。)
The NC GaN has a uniform size distribution and spherical shape. 实验发现气凝法生成的氮化镓奈米微粒以均匀的圆球形分布。
The NDF is said will release its 11% stake in VIS in 2007. 有消息称台湾发展基金将会在今年抛售其持有的世界先进全部11%的股份。
The NEAR-Shoemaker probe touched down after studying the asteroid Eros for the past year. “近地小行星约会”外太空探测器在对厄罗斯小行星研究了一年后才进行着陆。
The NFL will react with appropriate anger and punitive action to reassure fans and, more important to them, big sponsors. NFL将采取行动,恰当地表现出愤怒,祭出惩戒利刃,以示球迷,以及对他们来说更重要的——大赞助商。
The NGOs under the Catholic Migrant Chaplin and TIWA woyld organize the migrant workers, while the unions and labor groups mainly under CALL would go out and speak out for the migrant workers' human rights. 主要由天主教关怀外劳教团之下的各个天主教外劳服务中心和台湾国际劳工协会动员的外劳,以及以工委会旗下的各工会与工运团体为主的本劳团体将一起为外劳人权走上街头。
The NHS's drugs watchdog has said a smartchemotherapy pill should be available for patients with advanced breast and bowel cancer. 英国国家医保局(NHS)药品监查部门指出:一种“聪明”的化疗药片应该被用于晚期乳腺癌和大肠癌患者。
The NM burners will develop their nominal ratings with low air and gas pressures (4 OSI = 17,6 mbar). NM炉头开发了额定低压空气和燃气下的标称。
The NMETHODS field contains the number of method identifier octets that appear in the METHODS field. NMETHODS区域包含了出现在METHODS区域中的方法标识符字节的数量。
The NOCs will gradually become even more dominant as oil production dwindles in areas which are open to all comers, such as the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. 随着象北海和墨西哥湾那样对所有开发商都公开的区域的石油生产的减少,国有石油公司将逐渐更加占据主导地位。
The NOZZLE MIX burners feature short flames, wide turndown ranges and very stable combustion. 烧嘴混合炉头具有短焰,宽范围,非常稳定燃烧的特点。

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