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If you want to train a border collie to work sheep, you should understand that it's a long term project and put aside any desire for instant gratification and results.

If you want to succeed in this business,you have to make lots of friends and keep an ear to the ground. 如果你想在这种事业上取得成功,就必须广交朋友,时时刻刻注意信息。
If you want to succeed in this field, you'll have to stand the gaff. 如果你想在这一行成功,就必须要勇敢的承受磨难。
If you want to take the drive's license,you need to learn drive,traffic rule and pass the test. 要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。
If you want to take this calligraphy class, you should register earlier. 要想修这门书法课,就应该早点儿注册。
If you want to test, I must send one person to oil tank local on watch. 如果你要试,我派一个人去到油柜处守候。
If you want to train a border collie to work sheep, you should understand that it's a long term project and put aside any desire for instant gratification and results. 想训练边境牧羊犬放羊,首先应了解这是一项长期的工程,打消一切对速成的渴望。
If you want to try changing this to a real time projection, try and become aware of your physical body. 如果你想尝试将它变为实时投射的话,你可以尝试感知你的肉身。
If you want to try it, please go to the eye clinic to have a new check-up first. 假如你愿意试试,请先去眼科重新检验一次吧!
If you want to understand China, you have to come again and stay here. 如果你想了解中国,你必须再来并住一段。
If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. 想要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。
If you want to upload your pages to a Web server, you will need some kind of FTP program but don't worry about that for the minute, you will doing everything here on your own computer. 如果你想上传你的网页到伺服器上,你会需要种上传程式(FTP),但暂时别担心,你目前将在你自己的电脑上做所有的事情.

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