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He ordered his soldiers to hide a scrip in one kind of cakes and then handed those cakes to each family.

He ordered a juicy rump steak. 他要了一份多汁的后腿肉牛排。
He ordered a soldier to bring a national flag and covered the boy's body with it, leaving only his face exposed. 他命令一名士兵拿来一面国旗,把它盖在男孩身上,只露出他的脸。
He ordered himself a pint of beer. 他要了一品脱啤酒.
He ordered himself a soft drink. 他给自己要了一瓶软饮料。
He ordered his men to open fire. 他命令士兵开火.
He ordered his soldiers to hide a scrip in one kind of cakes and then handed those cakes to each family. 他令军士们将一张字条藏在一个特制的饼子里,并把饼子分发到各家各户。
He ordered ten cases of beaujolais and twenty cases of muscat. 他订了十箱博若莱葡萄和二十箱麝香葡萄酒。
He ordered the army to invade at dawn. 他命令军队拂晓侵入该国.
He ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard but to give him some freedom and permit his friends to take care of his needs. 23于是吩咐百夫长看守保罗、并且宽待他、也不拦阻他的亲友来供给他。
He ordered the troops to limber up and move out. 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。
He ordered to behead the two leaders. 他下令将两个队长斩首。

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