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I could feel water beyond the twilight, smell.

I could feel the cat rubbing up against my leg. 我感到了猫在我的腿上蹭来蹭去。
I could feel the heat of the flame on my face, and the pumping in my temples. 我感觉到脸上像被火烧,太阳穴不停地跳动着。
I could feel the knot opening up and dissipating when she suddenly stopped and poured extra oil on my shoulder. 当她突然停下手来并又在我的肩膀上敷油时,我能感到自己肩部的紧缩感缓解并消失了。
I could feel the sag and slump of their bodies when they leaned against a rail, heard their shoes creak as the muscles tightened for the embrace. 待我的眼睛再也看不到他们了,我便倾听他们的脚步声,我听到他们突兀地站下,接着便是缓慢、曲折的漫步。
I could feel the youngster's hand tremble in mine. 我能感到那个年轻人的手在我的手中颤抖。
I could feel water beyond the twilight, smell. 我能觉出苍茫暮色的深处有着河水,它自有一股气味。
I could finally spend money on all the things I'd scrimped on, right? 我终于可以花钱购买所有以前因精打细算而没买的东西了,对吧?
I could fix it up with Geoffrey . 我可以和杰弗里商量一下,把这事安排好。
I could fix it up with Geoffrey. 我可以和杰弗里商量一下,把这事安排好。
I could get someone else to do it. 我可以请其他人来做这件事。
I could give you the hundredth reason for not going. 我能给你讲出第一百个不去的理由。

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