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Doctors are doing their utmost to save them.

Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives. 为了挽救生命,医生和护士总是紧密配合。
Doctors are NOT qualified to judge whether a person is subject to covert government experimentation or harassment. 医生们不够资格去判断是否一个人受到隐蔽的政府试验或折磨的支配。
Doctors are allowing older and more sluggish kidneys to be transplanted. 医生们同意对较老化、功能较萎缩的肾脏进行移植手术。
Doctors are calling it a miracle, a Colorado woman who woke up from a coma after 7 years. 医生们表示这真是一个奇迹:科罗拉多州的一位妇女克雷斯塔莉莉在昏迷了长达7年后醒来,她在2000年遭受了中风。
Doctors are calling it a miracle, a Colorado woman who woke up from a coma after seven years. 医生认为这是一个奇迹——一位科罗达州昏迷7年的妇女苏醒了。
Doctors are doing their utmost to save them. 医生们尽一切可能拯救他的生命.
Doctors are guilty of wrongly believing that obese people are simply lazy, research suggests. 研究表明:医生们错误的认为肥胖完全是因为懒惰,他们这样说是有罪的。
Doctors are implanting devices directly into the brain to help patients cope with Parkinson's disease. 医师把仪器植入脑部,帮助病人对抗帕金森氏症。
Doctors are in favor of such games. The pillow fight was organized by a local hospital. 医生们对这样的游戏表示赞同。本次枕头大战便是由本地一家医院组织的。
Doctors are liable for the health of their patients. 医生有维护病人健康的责任。
Doctors are looking for a donor in order to perform a transfusion for a patient with rare blood. 医生正在寻找能给一个血型罕见的病人输血的献血者。

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