Can a flying fish flee far from a free fish fry?
一只飞鱼能远远地逃离一个无鱼的油炸锅吗? |
Can a guild get its own coat of arms and show it on clothes or weapons?
工会可以有自己的会徽吗?会徽会显在衣服或是武器上吗? |
Can a hotel use the VAT invoice to rent guest rooms?
酒店客房可以使用增值税发票吗? |
Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number.
32处女岂能忘记她的妆饰呢。新妇岂能忘记她的美衣呢。我的百姓却忘记了我无数的日子。 |
Can a man take fire in his bosom And his clothes not be burned?
27人若怀里搋火,衣服岂能不烧着呢? |
Can a policemen possibly enjoy weltering in the dirty side of human behavior?
一个警察整天和人类行为的丑恶面打交道,能感到津津有味吗? |
Can a rat learn how to fly an advanced fighter jet?
脑有如机器一样可以关掉之后,它会感觉到痛楚吗? |
Can a smaller diameter fiber be used in the probe?
更小直径的光纤能在探测器中使用吗? |
Can a software tester perform white-box testing on a specification?
软件测试人员可以对《需求规格说明书》做白盒测试吗? |
Can a space shuttle fly many times?
航天飞机可能飞行许多次吗? |
Can a spell caster write scrolls and give them to other characters?
一个施法者是否可以抄写卷轴,并且把卷轴给其他玩家? |