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A study on rotational characterization of Crookes radiometer

A study of the parallel rela-tionship between the occlusal plane and theline connecting nasal alar and tragus wasmade in 90 dentulous cases by using cepha-lometry. 作者应用头侧位X线片测量法,对90例有牙颌平面与0例无颌堤平面进行了测量和统计分析。
A study on HLA-A、-B genes associated with Guillain-Barre syndrom 格林-巴利综合征与HLA-A、-B基因关联的研究
A study on aqueous extract of lignum sappan inducing HL-0 cell apoptosis 苏木水提物诱导HL-0细胞凋亡的研究
A study on functional magnetic resonance imaging in early and late blinds during chinese braille reading 特殊感觉障碍人群(盲人)脑功能磁共振成像研究
A study on preparation of uranous nitrate by membrane electrolytic reduction 隔膜电解还原法制备四价铀的研究
A study on rotational characterization of Crookes radiometer Crookes光辐射计转动特性研究
A study on the PCR about primers of KD_a protein gene for B.abortus 牛种布鲁氏菌 KD_a蛋白基因引物的PCR试验(Ⅰ)
A study on the Subacute Toxicity of Carduus crispus L. 飞廉亚急性毒性实验研究
A study on the Treadle Loom of the Han Dynasty 汉代踏板织机的复原研究
A study on the belt of bedload transport in sinuous channel 弯曲河道推移质输沙带的研究
A study on the pathocardiopulmonary murmur 病理性心肺杂音的研讨

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