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In the absence of Mr. Jackson, we held a meeting.
在杰克逊先生不在的情况下, 我们开了会。

In the above example, we use an output callback to add my name to the end of the content. 在上面的例子中,我使用回调函数把我的名字放在了缓存的后面。
In the above examples the mutation has occurred in a germ cell and is transmitted to the descendents of the affected individual, resulting in a familial pattern of disease. 上述例子中生殖细胞已发生突变,且传递给患者后代,导致一家族疾病的模式。
In the above in vivo and in vitro studies, we also examined the effects of pharmacological intervention. 在以上的体内和体外研究中,我们还检测了药理学干预的效应。
In the above individual's case, they are being prepared to teach workshops on ascension, and one day will give up their delivery work for another purpose. 在上面的个人事例中,他们正在准备教导提升中的工作室,而总有一天他们将会为另一个目的而放弃其递送工作。
In the above map ,we clearly know that the establishment of inlet and outlet of 4th Nuclear Power Plant will result in an unrecoverable damage to the ecological environment of Santiago Bay and land and sea resources. 依本图就可确知核四厂进出水口码头之设立,对整个三貂湾生态环境和陆、海域资源的损害,是超出人类科学所能承受的极限。
In the absence of Mr. Jackson, we held a meeting. 在杰克逊先生不在的情况下, 我们开了会。
In the absence of Mr. Jackson, we held a meeting. 在杰克逊先生不在的情况下,我们开了会。
In the absence of a helpful shoeshine boy, magazines can play a small part in this overshooting. (我们)不乏这么一个有用的鞋童,杂志只在过辐射境况中起到一小部分的作用。
In the absence of a holotype designation, any such specimen is eligible for subsequent designation as the name-bearing type (lectotype); pending lectotype designation, all the specimens of the type series are syntypes and collectively they constitute the 当无正模式被指定时,这其中的任何标本都合格用于后来指定为具名模式(选模式);在选模式尚未指定以前,模式系列的全部标本均为总模式,共同构成具名模式。
In the absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed mode of suretyship, the parties shall bear the suretyship liability following the mode of a suretyship of joint and several liability. 第十九条当事人对保证方式没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照连带责任保证承担保证责任。
In the absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed scope of the suretyship guaranty, the surety shall be liable for payment of all the above costs. 当事人对保证担保的范围没有约定或者约定不明确的,保证人应当对全部债务承担责任。

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