When quality turns from appreciation into slogan,the icon alone would not mean anything.A new screw compressor of affordable cost and outstanding quality would only be possible with self-upgrading.WOLFCOMP has made this screw compressor of world-class qua |
中文意思: 当品质从某些人口中呼成口号时,品质已成为图腾不具任何意义,唯有以非常心不断激历自我,方能创造不与成本、品质苟且的非常螺旋式空压机,惟言,新世界级的螺旋式空压机品质标准,已在WOLFCOMP实现。 |
When push comes to shove, only your true friends will still stand by you.
当事态严重时,只有真正的朋友还会支持你。 |
When push comes to shove, there's always the comfort of knowing that a phone booth or a newsstand is a block or two away where anyone can make a call for 2 yuan (24 US cents) or so.
当事态严重时,想想每隔一两个街区就有电话亭或者报亭,在那儿,只要花2元(24美分)就可以打一个电话,你就能感到宽慰了。 |
When put on the spot and asked which side he wanted to win on Saturday, Foster remained firmly perched on the fence with his answer.
当来到现场与他访问后他说想赢得周六的比赛,Foster坚定的站在围栏旁回答. |
When putting on the green, player should not stand in positive frontage or backside other player, and not move at will.
球员在果岭上推杆时,不应站在对方球友推杆线的正前方,或正后方,以及任意走动。 |
When putting to the proof and inquiring about the proof, the litigant sh ould foll ow the legal procedure, and judges must authenticate the evidence by the rule of evidence presentation.
举证和质证应按照法律规定的程序进行,并由法官运用证据规则对证据作出正确认证。 |
When quality turns from appreciation into slogan,the icon alone would not mean anything.A new screw compressor of affordable cost and outstanding quality would only be possible with self-upgrading.WOLFCOMP has made this screw compressor of world-class qua
当品质从某些人口中呼成口号时,品质已成为图腾不具任何意义,唯有以非常心不断激历自我,方能创造不与成本、品质苟且的非常螺旋式空压机,惟言,新世界级的螺旋式空压机品质标准,已在WOLFCOMP实现。 |
When questioned, the driver remembered swerving to avoid hitting a tall blond man.
在审讯的时候,开车的绑匪说当时转向是为了想避开一个高个子的金发男人。 |
When questions surfaced about the chips' authenticity, SJTU, fearing a blow to its own reputation, asked higher authorities to step in, sources close to the investigation told Science.
据接近该项调查的人士告诉《科学》刊物,关于芯片真伪的问题浮出来后,上海交通大学担心打击大学的信誉,曾经要求更高层涉入。 |
When quizzed on who she thought was the best kisser out of the two actors, she said: Johnny Depp certainly wasn't bad.
当提问她认为谁是二位演员中最佳的吻者时,她说:”强尼戴普绝对不错。 |
When quoting, please state terms of payment and time of delivery.
贵方报价时,请注明付款条件和交货时间。 |
When qurraling with your familiar partners,try to hit the point and don't dig out furies of yesterday.
当你和你亲近的人吵嘴的时候,试着就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻,烂谷子的事。 |