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Ernst Cassirer is not a pure aesthete who specializes in the art study, but he makes enormous contributions to the visual semiotics.Susanne K.Langer is probably the most important female philosopher and aesthete.

Ernesto is looking to ruin the start of Labor Day weekend for much of the east coast. 看来欧内斯特要把东海岸许多人的劳动节假期给毁了。
Ernesto was downgraded to a tropical storm late Sunday, but forecasters say it is likely to regain hurricane status once it gets back over the warm waters of Gulf Mexico. 上周日晚些时候,诶诺斯托已降级为热带风暴,但气象预报人员称,一旦诶诺斯托重返墨西哥湾的温暖水域,就可能恢复到飓风强度。
Ernie got the news about that artist's suicide attempt first hand. Now we have an exclusive story. (厄尼拿到那名艺人企图自杀的第一手消息。现在我们有独家新闻了。)
Ernie was going to suggest a new way to cut down on overheads to the boss, but Phil stole his thunder and told the boss first. 恩尼正打算向老板提出减少杂费支出的新办法,但斐尔抢先向老板建议了这个办法。
Ernst Bloch was deeply influenced by this movement, the general characteristics of which are seen in his Spirit of Utopia. 恩斯特?布洛赫深受表现主义运动的影响,他的著作《乌托邦的精神》就具有表现主义文学的一般特征。
Ernst Cassirer is not a pure aesthete who specializes in the art study, but he makes enormous contributions to the visual semiotics.Susanne K.Langer is probably the most important female philosopher and aesthete. 摘要恩斯特?卡西尔尽管不是一位专门致力于艺术研究的纯美学家,但却在“视觉符号学”方面贡献巨大。
Erode free will, and you erode that argument. 但是,自由意志被破坏了,这条论据也就不成立了。
Eros is particular strong when the love relationship is in its early precarious stages. 性爱在恋爱关系尚不稳定的初期阶段尤为强烈。
Eros was the god of love, better known by hislatin name Cupid. Son of Aphrodite by Ares , he took his place among the small gods of Olympus. 厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。
Eros, of course was passion, whereas agape was deep and enduring love, the love of commitment. 性爱,当然指的是激情,而情爱则是深沉持久的爱,是承诺之爱。
Erosion action of erosion media on concrete is easily occurred in hydraulic structure diversion works and immersed underground structure. 侵蚀介质对砼的侵蚀作用,易发生在水工建筑、引水工程以及浸没在地下水位以下的各种砼的地下构筑物中。

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