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Yours is the greatness and the power and the splendor and the victory and the majesty, indeed all that is in heaven and on earth; Yours, O Jehovah, is the kingdom, and You are exalted as Head over all.

Your?voice?should?be?resonant?and?sustained?when?you?speak;? 声音要有回声并能稍持续一阵儿;?
Yours are going to cost you both pieces of the Scion. 你要付出的代价就是两片司祭盎。
Yours discharging rotation acknowledged but instructions too late ships deviation your responsibility. 卸货港序电悉,但指示过迟船舶绕航由租方负责。
Yours for the right price and with the help of a chisel. 只要价格合适,你就能用锤子取走它。
Yours is a small Danish paper. Yet your actions had big global ramifications. What does this tell you about how instantly connected the world is today? 记者问:你的报社是一个丹麦小报,但你的动作却引起巨大的全球反应,这有让你体认到今日全世界紧密相联的迅速吗?
Yours is the greatness and the power and the splendor and the victory and the majesty, indeed all that is in heaven and on earth; Yours, O Jehovah, is the kingdom, and You are exalted as Head over all. 11耶和华阿,尊大、能力、荣美、胜利、威严都是你的;凡天上地上的都是你的;国度也是你的,并且你被高举,为万有之首。
Yours is the sign of the performer, Leo. 狮子:狮子是天生的表演者。
Yours was really a lucky miss. 你这一次真是幸免。
Yours, the birth and death of a generation. 你的,则描绘了一生的沧桑曲折。
Youth Affairs Minister Muhammad Kuti was quoted in local media as saying the government plans to change the law so more people can access a 1 billion shilling ($14 million) youth fund established this year. 肯尼亚当地媒体援引青年事务部部长默罕莫德·库提的话说,肯尼亚政府计划修改这个规定,这样,更多的人就可以享用于今年设立的10亿先令(1400万美元)的青年基金。
Youth Association of Albania: f. 1941; formerly Union of Albanian Labour Youth. 阿尔巴尼亚青年联合会:其前身是1941年11月成立的阿尔巴尼亚劳动青年联盟。

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